Tuesday, November 18, 2014

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas!!

I am out of town all this week for work and since week is Thanksgiving so we decided to go ahead and put up our decorations on Sunday before I left. The kids were so excited and did a great job!

Helping me spread the branches.

Such good helpers!

I have to find the picture of them hanging this ornament on her first Christmas. So sweet!

Look at her face....so happy and proud!

Making sure we get the top!


I did it!! She was so proud of herself!!

My little elves!! It cracks me up that Lindley has those cheeks! She's still so tiny, but has cheeks!! So fun!!

Ta-da!! It's perfect!!

They did their own trees again this year.

Looks good!

She didn't have a tree skirt so she took her baby blanket and put it under three!! LOVE HER!!
I can't believe it's already almost Thanksgiving! This year is flying!!

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