Wednesday, May 14, 2014

More randomness...

I have no idea how this happened but Lilly was trying to give Lance a Mohawk...

Guess who had to join in?

Haha....nice try buddt

Helping me work....they love all the goodies!!

Taking a walk!

Pretty toes!!

Reading to her baby

Her reaction when I told her Daddy wouldn't be home till later that night!


He lost another tooth!

She fell and hit the train table....split that little piece of skin and busted her lip. It bled and bled. It healed up fine, but scared us!

Hard to see, but her lip is puffy.

She was crying one night and when I went to get her the moment I picked her up she stopped. It melted my heart.

No more curls. I don't know why I caved, but I did. He has been begging and I can understand why. He gets so hot......He is handsome either way! One day he will embrace them again!

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