Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Happy Easter!!!

Jeff had to work the kids and I did Easter baskets then I cooked lunch and my parents came over. Honestly I was wiped from the day before (egg hunt, park, etc) so I wasn't so energetic. We did do a few egg hunts and they had a good day!
Ready to find the eggs the bunny left!!

All the ones on the ground and she goes for that one!


Look at our goodies!!

Lance was excited about his new semi hot wheel!

Look mom!

I've been debating on whether or not Lilly was ready for "girl magazines" or tween magazines. We have looked at them a few times. The Easter Bunny must have known that cause he brought her one and she LOVED it!!

The big book of Boo Boo's!! The doc is in!

Checking out the eggs!

Counting her money!

Who me? What?


More goodies from Mammaw & Pappaw!!

I love when I get pictures of others watching my kids and smiling....look how happy Mammaw is that Lindley is happy!!! SO SWEET!

Egg hunt time!

 They were fast, but I did get Lance finding the Golden Egg!

She never got in a hurry...just wondered around and found what she could! She loved it!


Counting eggs!


Chocolate bunny time!

Oh no...I ate his head!


I think he ate his in two bites!!

We missed Jeff, but had a great day!

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