Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Epic fail

Last week we decided to go find a new park. It was on Lilly's bucket list. There's a park about 15 minutes away that we have been by but never gone to so I thought we would try it out. Harmless enough...right???

Checking it out....

fast slide!!

Having fun!

Being a good sissy

Ummm..rotten??? YES

And then....moments after I took all went down hill....

Lilly got STUNG!! Poor girl was so upset and immediately said she wanted to go home. I took her over to a swing they had. Luckily I had ice water so I put ice on it and she was doing better.

Lance was phased....and continued to play

such a boy....

I get them together to cool off and have a snack. This was the best smile Lilly could give me. She said "we are never coming back here". Then moments after I took this picture...Lindley fell off the swing. She was trying to get off and I think Lance "helped" her. Well her feet went back and she went face first. I think her cap actually kept her from smacking her head. We left immediately and went to get ice cream and then to Mom's for medicine for Lilly's leg. They were fine, but we were literally there maybe 15-20 about fail!! :-(

You can kinda see Lindley's chin was just scratched a little and her lip bled a little from her teeth hitting them. Clearly...she was traumatized!

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