Saturday, August 10, 2013

Ears pierced!!!

Lilly has wanted her ears pierced for quite some time. For some reason she would never asked Jeff if she could. Jeff said if she wasn't big enough to ask then she wasn't ready. She put it on her bucket list for summer. A few weeks ago she finally asked Jeff if she could get them done. He talked to her about taking care of them and asked if she knew it would hurt. She said she knew and was ready. So last weekend her and I had a girls day and she got them done!!!

She did amazing!!! She didn't make a peep! She was nervous and said it hurt, but she never cried. The minute they cleaned them and showed her she was grinning ear to ear. She has been so responsible and helping me remember to clean them. She hasn't fussed or complained one time. I told her it was ok if they hurt that she could tell me. I explained that was normal, but she hasn't. A few times when I've turned them she said it hurt, but that's it. We also realized that she gets to take them out on her birthday!!

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