Monday, July 15, 2013

Junior Champs

Last week the kids had a relay meet and they both did well. Lance swam in 4 events and Lilly 3. I honestly can't remember how they did. It's harder when it's relay cause it's just an overall time.

Then on Saturday they had junior champs. The meet was about an hour and forty-five minutes away and we decided to go up Friday to stay overnight so we didn't have to get up early. The hotel in the town ended up being a dump so we had to drive back 30 minutes toward home. We ended up finding a room and the kids got to swim. They were happy and it made our drive a bit shorter the next morning.
This was a meet for kids that aren't the fastest. If their qualifying time was too fast they couldn't compete. Lilly's backstroke time was too fast so she could only to the 25 & 50 free style. Lance was able to do all three. Lilly hasn't been feeling well. Her allergies are acting up so her times were a little slower than normal, but she still did great. She ended up getting a third and fourth place medal so she was HAPPY!! Lance ended up getting two first place and one second place medal. Talk about HAPPY!!

Having fun at the hotel pool

Hard to get all three looking

Ready for the meet

So funny!

Playing between events.

She thinks she is as big as they are. If they start doing cartwheels and handstands she does this and waits for someone to flip her.

Lilly is getting really good at her handstands. She did fall right as I snapped this, but still!

Jeff was a timer so we had to stay till the end of the meet. Lindley almost made it.....but just got worn out.

Lilly was wore out!! She had a little nap on the way home!
They have a meet tomorrow and then City Meet next weekend. They have done so well and we are so proud of them!!

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