Thursday, July 25, 2013

Here, there and everywhere

Sorry I've been MIA. I was out of town for a few days and came back with a sinus infection and just have been dragging. I got some antibiotics and am feeling better. We haven't been up to too much. Kathy and Dennie were at Orange Beach visiting so we spent some time with them and just trying to avoid the rain!! It has rained and rained and rained here!

Just hanging out reading a book.

They were playing baseball! So cute!

Relaxing in bed with Momma before bed!

Hanging out at the bay. The pictures of Lance are not action shots. He was literally hanging and climbing like a monkey. He has some fierce upper body strength. However.......

he didn't realize that it was hurting his hands until the skin broke. Bless his heart...he cried and cried. They are doing better but he was in pain!

She LOVES to put her hat on, get her purse and play! So sweet

I am feeling better, but for some reason am struggling with cooking dinner. So last night I asked the kids if they wanted to cook. They jumped at the idea and so sandwiches and pasta salad was made and it was YUMMY! I supervised the pasta salad (stove), but they did all the work. So proud of them!!

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