Monday, February 18, 2013


We left after school on Thursday for Huntsville. It was a long drive....6 hours (including a stop for dinner). We got to the hotel late and it took a bit to get everyone settled down. Of course we were all in one room so they were up bright and early. I worked all day and they went to the Space & Rocket Center. We were staying at the hotel on site so it was nice and close. They wore Jeff out, but everyone had a good time!

Saturday they ordered room service for breakfast and then headed to Sci-Quest which is a kids science center.


Everyone was worn out! We went for a late lunch and then swimming again before relaxing at the hotel for the evening. We got up and headed back home early Sunday. Overall, I think it was a successful trip, but I don't think Jeff and I are up for another one for quite some time!!!

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