Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy Birthday Jeff!!!

Not only was today Fat Tuesday, but it was Jeff's birthday!! Although we went out for lunch and the movie on Sat we didn't really celebrate. My plan was to do that today since the kids were off. Jeff is working nights so after he went to sleep we headed out to pick up a few last minute things and then got to work. The kids were beyond excited!!

We discovered streamers!! They went CRAZY. This is just the kitchen. There was more in the living

After we decorated they made heart people. Another idea from Tiff and they had a blast!!

Aren't they lovely?? Lance's is on the right. The 54 is because is 4 now and going to be 5! Some sister time waiting to wake Daddy!
They made him close his eyes and they walked him over to the table while blowing their whistles.

Can you tell they are excited??? (poor Jeff....I let him sleep as long as I could).

Lance could not be contained!! He was BONKERS!!
We got him a Keurig!! He was surprised. He has asked for one a while back, but I guess he didn't think I'd remember!!

Mom & Dad got him some K-cups for his coffee machine and a new Alabama shirt and some shorts. I love this picture....look at Lance's face. I have no idea why he is mad, but he certainly isn't happy!

Happy Birthday Daddy!!! She was saying Da, Da all day I think she knew it was his special day!!
Happy Birthday Jeff. I hope you had a great day!! We love you!!!

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