Saturday, July 28, 2012

Summer Olympics!!

We have been anxiously awaiting the Olympics! I saw in magazine about doing a family fun Olympics and told the kids we would do it. Not thinking it would fall right after our I was somewhat unprepared but we have been able to pull it together. We were going to do our own opening ceremonies last night but they were super tired and I was too (Lindley hasn't slept well since we got home). We did finish out rings and make an festive cake. Today we finished our torches. We will start our events probably tomorrow!!
Painting our rings!~

She takes her time!

They are saying "Go USA"!


Ready for the games to begin!!

They have been pretty cranky this week since we got home. Hopefully everyone sleeps good tonight and we can have fun tomorrow w/some of our "events"!!
Wish us luck!!

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