Saturday, July 28, 2012


So my crazy kids decided that it would be a good idea for Lilly to teach Lance how to ride a bike without training wheels the other day! I was on a work call and noticed Lance getting on. I went out and told them to stop. Assuming they listened I didn't bother to check again. The next thing I know they are running in telling me that he can ride a bike! Once I got off the phone I had to check it out!

Sure enough...he can do it. He had some trouble on Lilly's bike because her seat is taller. Jeff took his training wheels off when he got home and he is doing great!!!

I told them that was pretty dangerous considering Lance didn't even have his helmet on! Crazy kids!!

I can't believe he is big enough to ride on two wheels. He was saying "I can ride a two wheel bike" "I'm awesome" "I'm cool" you can see he is modest too ;-)

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