Saturday, May 5, 2012

Hadley Faye!

Lori, Ally and Hadley came for a visit this past week. She is getting so big. Not walking yet, but pulling up and standing on her own. The kids loved her and Lilly of course wanted to drag her around (poor Lindley doesn't have a chance). She just checked everything out and seemed to have fun!

She went straight for Lindley's head/face

But we showed her how to touch nicely

She liked the rocking dog, but her feet didn't touch yet!

Big girl!!

We sat her in the bumbo for our own entertainment!! A bit too big for it.

The kids were putting on a show for Lori and Ally, she decided to join in!

Rocking out!!

Pretty girl!!

I realized as I was posting this I didn't get a good picture of all the kids or any of Ally & Lori. Geez...what is wrong w/me?? Regardless, it was great to see them. Wish they could have stayed longer.

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