Monday, May 28, 2012

Beach bums

Mom wanted a picture of the kids (they were on their way home from Indiana). So I took a video (I may be slightly excited about my iphone and ability to send video) Anyway, here they are playing in the sand. I swear they are little beach bums and would stay all day if we could!!

Playing in the water with Daddy!

Look how big he is?? I can't get over what a little person he is becoming.

Heading back to the water...he was digging a big hole.

Working hard!

Not sure what she was busy doing...

We told them before we went we weren't staying long and they did great! Lance wanted an ice cream from the snack bar, but other than that there were no complaints! I think next time we will be able to stay a bit longer. We learned a few things, but no major issues.

It is still hard to believe that we are close enough to the beach to get up and go, spend a couple hours, eat lunch and be home by 2. We still had a day left! CRAZY!!!

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