Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pumpkin Patch

So the past couple of days has actually felt like fall here. I wanted to take advantage of it (plus Jeff was off) so we decided to go to a pumpkin patch. I was just pumpkins thrown in a field (no real patches here)we ended up just getting the pumpkins & then we went by the campground and let the kids play at the playground and let Lance shoot the pumpkin cannon (Lilly didn't want to). We spent time together & the kids had fun. However, I was a little disappointed because I knew my Indiana Carver Family was all together at Huber's & I REALLY wished we could be there. I MISS YOU ALL!!!!
There are several pics of them in the patch picking was quite a process & I didn't even get a pic of the ones the finally decided on!!

My battery went dead so I didn't get many pics.

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