Friday, October 28, 2011

~It's a GIRL!!!~

Well, it is official....we are having another little girl! She was being modest & wasn't going let us see. However, we were finally able to get a sneak peek. Her legs were over her head & her knees were in her face. She weighs 12 oz & measured right at 20 weeks, which is right on track. Her kidneys, bladder, stomach, spine, brain & heart all look good!! Heartbeat was strong! The kids went & were interested at first, then were over it. They said they were able to see her....or so they say. Lance was disappointed when we told them it was a girl, but seems to be ok now. Here's a few of the ultrasound pictures.
This is her arm up to her face.

You can barely see the 3 lines the arrow is pointing to. Those are the girl parts. You can make anything else out....the tech had trouble getting this pic....she wasn't not going to show!!

Here you can see her profile pretty good. Cute little nose!! That would be her knee in her face!!

Ok, so she kinda looks like a fish here, but you can really see how her legs were literally over her head. She is curled up & that is her foot that is almost touching her head!! Silly girl!!
We are very excited & now have to work on a name. We have several we like, but haven't even talked middle names. So it may be a while!

Feeling blessed to have a healthy little girl on the way!!

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