Saturday, October 29, 2011


We've a lot of fun this weekend! Last night we went for Spooky Face pancakes at Ihop, then went to my parents. They had a little fall festival. Today we went Trick-or-Treating in downtown Fairhope. Then we chilled & painted our pumpkins!! Lilly had a headache & I wasn't feeling great so we just ordered pizza & stayed in. We have a big day tomorrow! Going to the FAIR!!

This was at my parents. I couldn't catch Lilly, she was too fast!

Balloon sword!!

Lilly actually got pretty close & even talked to the clown! I was impressed! She got a bumblebee!

Football toss! Look at her go! So close!

Go Lance!!

This was today at the welcome center. Mr. & Mrs. Frankenstein!

any chance to take a pic...Lance is in!! Loved the old firetruck!

The Gingerbread Man was out today!! He sounded just like him!

I realized I never got a good pic in their costumes. This was at the end & we had lost pieces along the way....still pretty cute though!

Checking out the loot!!

Lilly painting the Baby's pumpkin. She got this on her field trip. She painted a rattle on it. I will have to get pics of it. I forgot to get the finished products!

Lilly working hard on Daddy's pumpkin!

This is my pumpkin!!

We were low on paint, but they wanted to go ahead & do them. They had been asking ALL day!! Have I mentioned my kids LOVE painting!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Lance's school pics

Lance's school pictures are posted online. If you want to look at them click on the link below

Lance is on page 19. There are 4 pictures. I really like the 1st & 3rd one. Just an FYI...the girl right after him is Angelina. She is in his class & he really likes her!!

If it asks for a password it is "sunshine"

~It's a GIRL!!!~

Well, it is official....we are having another little girl! She was being modest & wasn't going let us see. However, we were finally able to get a sneak peek. Her legs were over her head & her knees were in her face. She weighs 12 oz & measured right at 20 weeks, which is right on track. Her kidneys, bladder, stomach, spine, brain & heart all look good!! Heartbeat was strong! The kids went & were interested at first, then were over it. They said they were able to see her....or so they say. Lance was disappointed when we told them it was a girl, but seems to be ok now. Here's a few of the ultrasound pictures.
This is her arm up to her face.

You can barely see the 3 lines the arrow is pointing to. Those are the girl parts. You can make anything else out....the tech had trouble getting this pic....she wasn't not going to show!!

Here you can see her profile pretty good. Cute little nose!! That would be her knee in her face!!

Ok, so she kinda looks like a fish here, but you can really see how her legs were literally over her head. She is curled up & that is her foot that is almost touching her head!! Silly girl!!
We are very excited & now have to work on a name. We have several we like, but haven't even talked middle names. So it may be a while!

Feeling blessed to have a healthy little girl on the way!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Our little reader!

Lilly brings home two books every week that she has to practice reading. She also has sentences that come home every so often that they are working on class. In addition they make little books that they read in class. She enjoys reading & is doing so well!! I videoed her reading tonight.I tried to get it uploaded here & it would work. Try this link....I hope it works.  So proud of her!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Back home again!

We all survived! I got back this afternoon & everyone was alive & well! My trip was good, but not very exciting. I got to meet a lot of people from the company, but mostly just sat & listened to boring stuff. However, I got lots of yummy food so I can't complain. I didn't take any pictures, but Charlottesville, Virginia is a pretty cute little area. I didn't have any time to go anywhere but the area by the hotel & the office. However, the hotel was attached to an outdoor mall which was neat. It was all local stores & very unique.

Tomorrow is a quiet day & then things get busy again. Friday Lilly has skate day at school(which I will prob go to), then our dr. appt is in the afternoon. There are several things going on Sat. that I would like to take the kids too (Halloween stuff). Then Sunday we are going to the Gulf State Fair! They open an hour early for Jeff's company & we get to ride everything for free!!!! They even had shirts made. Jeff has to work BUT might get to be off. Of course Monday is Halloween so the kids have parties at school, plus Trick-or-Treat! Whew...BUSY!! Should be lots of fun!

Enjoyed the break, but happy to be home with my family!!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cowboy & cowgirl

We went to the library this morning & then after some lunch we went to Bass Pro. They were having a Halloween event.  I got a free pic of the kids with the characters from It's a Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. They got to color some coloring pages & a trick-or-treat bag! We also got to see a fishing demonstration too & roast a marshmellow too!! Of course we had to go by the toys. Last time Jeff took Lance there he came back talking about this "cowboy" stuff. He told Lilly they had pink & they both immediately decided they wanted it for Christmas. What they actually want is the hat, a gun that has a holster & a lasso!! Santa's list is already getting long & it's only October!! I love that Lilly has her hand on her hat....they crack me up! We were there over an hour & Lilly cried when we left. I tell you they could stay in there ALL DAY! If you ever have a kid & don't know what to do with them just take them to Bass Pro...they will be in heaven!!!

We came home & started getting ready for me to leave. I am finishing up laundry & packing, but I think I have about got it. Lilly doesn't want me to go, but will be fine while I'm gone. She is just good at making me feel guilty. She said to me today, "Are you sure you want to work?" I explained that while it would be nice to be home all the time, I feel good when I get to do something besides be a mommy. I also explained that it hasn't really changed much about me being home. I take her to school pretty much everyday & pick her up most of the time. I also reminded her that I spent the entire morning at her school helping on Friday! Plus, we wouldn't be able to do all the stuff we do if I didn't work because I make money. She said, "Why do we have to have money?" Isn't that a question??

Not sure when I will post again...depends on how busy & tired I am while I am gone. Maybe I can get Jeff to do a "guest" post!! LOL!!

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Friday, October 21, 2011

First report card!

Lilly got her first report card today!! She got all G's (which is good, the highest you can get)!!! She did miss the sound a q makes on the supplemental report card they gave, but still...that is GREAT!!

We are so proud of her!!

I spent the morning at her school. They had a farm breakfast so I took Lance & we went to eat, then Mom picked up Lance to take him to school. I stayed & helped them paint t-shirts for Trick-or-Treat around town! They turned out cute!

We just hung out this evening. I started working on getting things ready for me to leave (I have to leave Sun for work & won't be back till Wed) & realize I have WAY more to do than I realized!!! Here's hoping I find the energy to get it done!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Barbie house!

Lilly was home again & we chilled most of the day. This afternoon we headed to Wal-mart & Lilly finally spent her gift cards from her bday. She decided on the Barbie house she was eyeing before her bday. She also got Ken two new outfits!! A big thank you to Grandma Trisha, Bobbie, Kevin, Taylor & Natalie for the gift cards!
All setup & ready to play!

Play time!!

After dinner TV time. Lilly wondered why the beatd was a single. I told her that Ken & Barbie are just dating so he will go home. She said, "No, they are married". Ken ended up sleeping on the floor next to the bed!!! Cracked me up!

I got Lance a few things...he wanted his pics taken too!!

She was one happy girl this evening!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Catching up!!

This is how we find Lance a few nights ago when we went to check on him....

I have no idea how he ended up like this...don't worry...Jeff moved him after I took the pic!

We had a good weekend!! Lilly, Mom & I went shopping all day Sat. Lilly got new tennis shoes & a few other things!! I found a couple things & even picked up a few things for Lance. Poor Jeff got nuttin'! Then we went out to dinner. Sunday Lilly had a bday party so we chilled in the morning & then she & I headed to that while Jeff & Lance napped!  The party was pretty cool, it was at a painting place. Each girl got to paint a pic to take home.
This is Lilly's pic. Didn't she do so good?? We just got to find a spot to hang it now!

On the way home Lilly said she had a belly & headache. She had complained of a belly ache in the morning but seemed fine. Anyway, she ended up gagging while having a snack. She laid for a while then perked up. She continued to complain of a headache. I gave her tylenol & sent her to bed.

Fast forward to 4:30 am.....guess who woke up with a fever?? Yup, Lilly. it was about 101. The thing is that for the past week & a half I have said she hasn't been herself. I even had a conversation with my mom about calling the dr. because I just didn't think she was right. She has been super tired & moody.

Anyway, when she woke up about 7:30 (thanks to Lance) I asked if anything hurt. She said her throat (which she had mentioned a couple of days ago as well) So I take a look & sure enough it's red. I had to work today so Jeff took her to the dr. It is strep...again!!

Jeff mentioned that she just had it about 6 weeks ago. The dr. said if she gets it again within 4 months (3 times in 6 months) we will have to go see an ENT about possibly getting her tonsils out. I feel better knowing that she has been fighting something, but I don't understand why she is suddenly getting it so much. It is basically being passed around her class every week. One other girl has had it twice & a little boy just had his tonsils out. Regardless, we revisited hand washing, covering mouth & not putting your mouth on the water fountain (apparently she has done this...thanks for the tip Michelle). I also emailed her teacher & mentioned it. I feel like she has been carrying/fighting it for a while & her body finally gave in. Here is hoping we don't have to visit an ENT anytime soon!!
Where are Lilly & Lance??


Lilly took her meds, her fever seemed to be coming back. Although I didn't take it this evening. It was 102 at the dr. this afternoon. Anyway, she was ready for is hoping she gets a good nights sleep!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A good week!!

Nothing really exciting this week, except I am feeling so much better! The past two weeks have been great! I am eating (& the bump is growing) and having energy. So happy to feel better!! I also think the nesting it kicking in (or I just finally have the energy for my OCD to emerge). Either way I cleaned this week & rearranged our bedroom!! Lance helped...he LOVES to vaccum. I moved my curio cabinet tonight which required taking everything out. The kids LOVE when I do this. They don't get to go near it so it is a special treat for them. We talked about everything in there & where I got it. It is so neat to watch them look at it all.

Lilly needs new tennis shoes so I think her & I may take a day this weekend & go shopping. Then she has a bday party on Sunday. Other than that no big plans. Just gonna enjoy the weekend with my family again!!

Monday, October 10, 2011

~17 weeks~

I had a doctor appointment this afternoon. Everything is good!! My ultrasound is scheduled for Oct 28th!! That's a litte earlier than I expected so I am pretty excited. That is when we should find out what this little booger is!!
The bump is def making it's appearance known. I'm feeling pretty good, but still get worn out easily. I have been feeling it move, especially after I eat!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Festival of Books & Birdfest!

Today there were several events in downtown Fairhope. There was a Festival of books, festival of arts and a Birdfest. Jeff took the kids to IHOP for breakfast & I slept in! Then we headed down for a reading of "If you give a dog a donunt" (which included free donuts & milk)!!! The author was there & read several books from the series. She talked a bit much & the kids lost interest so we moved on! We walked through the art section although the kids had little interest. Then we headed over to the Birdfest which was pretty cool. It was pretty much an informational event w/booths about conservation etc. However, there were several things for the kids to do.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Halloween cookies!!

It's been awhile since we baked cookies so when Lance & I did the grocery shopping this week we decided to get some goodies for some Halloween cookies!! They have been waiting all week for the afternoon to do them! (Lilly had a half day so I promised we would do them today). They had fun & the cookies are YUMMY!!

Mixing the dough


Lick them clean!! (don't worry...they washed them afterwards)


the fun begins....

spread it out...

what to make??


flour on the nose!

so precise!

he said, "look mom I ate his head"

A bat!!


Jeff took this to show that the baby was there too!!!

They were a success!!