Sunday, June 12, 2011

This weekend

We have done quite a bit of swimming. Other than that we have just chilled at home. We have been pretty boring. We are saving our energy because Aunt Jess & Leah will be here in 4 days!!

The kids were playing in Lance's room again today. Guess what I found this time??
I have a pic of him in this when he was about 18 or so. He fit much better then. The funny thing is that he had the lid on was just sitting in there playing his guitar!! About 5 minutes later we hear screaming. Lilly shouted, "Hurry, Help! Lance is in the toy box with the lid inside & he is stuck!" By the time we got in there he was out, but was crying cause it scared him!! I guess the lid slid sideways & he thought he was stuck!!

While Lance was in the toybox Lilly was in his closet with the door closed. I told you they LOVE small spaces right now. Notice she has her CVS ad, she must be checking her coupons with her ad!!!

Later in the evening Lance got in trouble and had to pick up his room (he had quite a mess after I had JUST spent about 20 minutes in there). Anyway, he was upset and whining/crying. He came out and said, "Daddy, I can't clean my castle up don't feel good". Seriously took EVERYTHING I had to not bust out laughing. It took him about 2 minutes to get this out because he was trying to come up with something.

That's about all!! Jeff goes back on nights!!

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