Wednesday, June 1, 2011

1st lost tooth!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, after struggling through dinner because it was hurting her I asked Lilly if she wanted me to pull her tooth. She told me no. The next thing I know she's in her bathroom hollering for me. I asked her what she needed & then the next thing I know she is standing in the hallway holding her TOOTH~!!!

She pulled it all by herself!!!

So after I took pics we had her rinse her mouth with water & we headed back into the living room. We were so excited & Jeff picked up the phone to call Grandma Trisha. I look & notice she has her "I'm gonna cry" face. I started asking her what's wrong & she strated crying!! She said she was tired. I consoled her for a bit & we joked with her & she finally came around some. I am still not exactly sure why she cried. I think it was a combination of being tired, scard & a little overwhelmed!! 

We offered ice cream to celebrate & she didn't want it. Just said she was tired. She eventually lightened up & we offered a family movie night. She was excited about that. We took a pic on my phone & sent to lots of people & she seemed a little better.

The problem is that I was consoling her but I wanted to cry. For some reason this hit me hard....I wasn't expecting it for one...I like to prepare myself for things like that & she pulled it herself which is CRAZY to me!! I will say it again....NOT.READY.FOR.THIS!!

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