Thursday, June 30, 2011

Guess what we did today??

We swam all day!! We were out there by 10:15, came up for lunch around 12:15. Lance went down for a nap & Lilly went back with my mom at 1. Lance & I went back when he got up from nap around 2:30 & we stayed until a little after 4!!

Even with repeated sunscreen her little cheeks are pink!!! 
She is now taking showers which is CRAZY!! However, it's nice cause after swimming she will go in & take one. This is how she came out today. She has on socks & slippers! LOL!

Of course he isn't pink. Just brown as a bun!! Even though he didn't get to be out as much he still had a blast. He is doing REALLY well swimming without his floaties. He stays close to the steps & now can swim down & get the dive toys!! Such a big boy.
It was nice to just chill out & spend the day with my kids(& Mom) & the water!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Heading to Indiana!!

As most of you know we will be heading to Indiana at the end of this month!! Very excited to see everyone. I know the kids are excited too!! Can't wait!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Oh the imagination....

Our kids have no lack of imagination. This evening they were playing & it was Christmas. Lilly put on long pants & long shirt & Lance even put on his Christmas footie jamies (that didn't last long). Then they told me they were getting tired of packing all their stuff & decided to clean out their car (which was Lilly's closet)...CRACK ME UP!!
You can see why they needed to clean out their "car" was quite a mess. Look at the face....little turd!

Just so you know...their method of cleaning was putting all this in the middle of Lilly's already very messy floor!!! You can't walk through Lilly's room right now but they had fun!! Love that they can use their imaginations and go anywhere & do anything!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

"Sert" (aka dessert)

After dinner Lance wanted some "sert". Unfortunately we didn't have anything so we had to go for ICE CREAM!!! We went to Mickey D's & picked up some "sert" & then headed to the park (a little backwards, but it wasn't the initial plan). The kids had a blast & the "sert" was YUM-O!! I think we should do that more often!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Cars 2

Disney has been showing previews of Cars 2 on overload the past week. The kids have been waiting to see it. They saw a commerical for the first one that was on Tuesday night & thought it was the new one. I explained it came out Friday. So of course this morning when the saw the commerical they were begging to go. I had talked to my mom about it, but wasn't sure if it was something we would do this weekend or not. Mom offered to take us today, her treat!! Sign me up ....I'm there!

The kids were super excited & had a blast. Although it was right before lunch & nap & Lance fell asleep for the last 20 minutes or so! Poor kid. Then we headed to Chick-fil-A (is there any place else??) for a late lunch. We got home in time to visit with Daddy for a bit before he had to leave!! This is last night then four days off & back to days!! WHOHOOO!! I miss him a lot, but the kids REALLY miss him. They are happy to have him for 4 days!!

It was a great day! Thanks Mammaw for the treat, we all had a blast!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mommy makeover!!

After dinner it was my turn for a makeover.....
Lance LOVED these clips!!

They did my makeup too....looks pretty good!

Lots of clips!

Lilly's "do" for me me!!
Lance's "do" for me!

They had a lot of fun!!

Princess & Prince

This evening I asked Lilly if she wanted me to fix her hair & makeup. Of course she said, YES!! Then we had "Pagent". Lance wanted to participate too.
Look at that face, I know I am partial...but she is BEAUTIFUL!!

I can't fit this many curlers in MY hair!!

Look how pretty!

Coming down the runway. (The dress is actually supposed to have leggings she doesn't wear it out like that)

Lance coming down. They both picked out their outfits.

Waiting for the judges results.

The winner in the princess category......Lilly Wade (I had to improvise for trophies)

The prince is....Lance Wade (no crown or sash for the prince....a fire hat & cape seems perfect)

The winners!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

No more curls!

I know I am in BIG trouble with several people for this, but it was time to cut Lance's hair. He wanted it short so that's what I did. I really like it, but have to admit it makes me a little sad. He looks like such a BIG boy!! I know it will grow back & I am pretty sure the curls will come back as well.
It looks shorter than it is because it is laying so flat. He kept making goofy faces!
Doesn't he have a cute little head! Look at those eyes....they look SO big without all the hair!

The sides are a little shorter. You can see that it can still be combed over.

This is the top, notice his arms....he had his fingers in his mouth making a funny face & wouldn't hold still so I had to grab his head!!

I hope those of you so upset (Grandma & Uncle Cam) will see how cute he is & know that this is what he wanted & it will keep him cooler!

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I had a wonderful weekend with my girls!! Leah & Jess actually surprised me & arrived Wed. night around 11pm. They had told me they weren't going to get here until the wee hours in the morning, but then called & were here!! We had a blast just hanging out & spending time together. I only have a few pictures because I was too busy having fun!! I am so thankful to have such wonderful friends!!
This was Friday night, which was "Girls Night". We went out just the 3 of us!!

 We went to a little restaurant down on a marina & they have live music. We sat outside listened to music & even did a little dancing (I know your shocked)!!!

This was this morning before we headed to breakfast. Although we had 3 full days, it just went too fast!!
THANK YOU GIRLS!! I had a blast!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


The kids are asleep, Jeff is at work & I am just sitting here waiting impatiently for time to pass. Jess & Leah are on the road!!! They should be here in the early morning hours.....I CAN'T WAIT. I haven't seen Leah since October & Jess since January when we came home. It's gonna be a fun time.The kids are really excited too!!

I may be MIA for the next few days because I plan to spend every waking moment I can with my girls!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Good Luck Charlie

Tonight we had early baths because Lilly wanted to watch "Good Luck Charlie". She is currently obessed with this show. I am not sure why but she LOVES it. They even play it (the dolls are named the same as the kids).



I decided it was time for Lance to start working on his name. So this afternoon I was having Lilly do some worksheets and he got up from nap. I started making some L's for him to trace. He did pretty good. Then I had him do some on the chalkboard....

I did the 3 big ones on tope and he traced them. Then he did the ones on the bottom. I did a few of them but he did most of them!!

Later after bath I was tried to get him to say L-A-N-C-E. He did pretty good. I tried to make it sing-songy hoping he would remember it. I plan to continue to work on it so I will keep you posted!!

I have tried to tell myself that I haven't worked with him much because he hasn't shown interested (Lilly always was asking before I thought she needed to), but if I am honest with myself I think it has more to do with the fact that I don't want him to grow up!! However, I think it's time since he is heading to preschool in the fall!!!

Splash Park!!

Mom took the kids to a splash park yesterday. We went here when we came down the summer before last but haven't been since we moved. Mom said they had a blast!!! She couldn't get them to leave!!

chick-fila-a for dinner of course!!

Monday, June 13, 2011


My mom took the kids today so I could clean. She had them ALL DAY!! It took me most of the day to clean this dirty place. I did get a shower & to eat before they came home though. THANKS MOM!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

This weekend

We have done quite a bit of swimming. Other than that we have just chilled at home. We have been pretty boring. We are saving our energy because Aunt Jess & Leah will be here in 4 days!!

The kids were playing in Lance's room again today. Guess what I found this time??
I have a pic of him in this when he was about 18 or so. He fit much better then. The funny thing is that he had the lid on was just sitting in there playing his guitar!! About 5 minutes later we hear screaming. Lilly shouted, "Hurry, Help! Lance is in the toy box with the lid inside & he is stuck!" By the time we got in there he was out, but was crying cause it scared him!! I guess the lid slid sideways & he thought he was stuck!!

While Lance was in the toybox Lilly was in his closet with the door closed. I told you they LOVE small spaces right now. Notice she has her CVS ad, she must be checking her coupons with her ad!!!

Later in the evening Lance got in trouble and had to pick up his room (he had quite a mess after I had JUST spent about 20 minutes in there). Anyway, he was upset and whining/crying. He came out and said, "Daddy, I can't clean my castle up don't feel good". Seriously took EVERYTHING I had to not bust out laughing. It took him about 2 minutes to get this out because he was trying to come up with something.

That's about all!! Jeff goes back on nights!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What happens when Lance doesn't nap???

After a huge meltdown (otherwise none as a tantrum) I finally got him calmed down to come to the dinner table. He said he didn't like noodles & just sat there. The next thing I see are his little eyes closing. I have to admit that it's a pretty cute picture although at the time I didn't think so. (I only took the picture for blogging purposes) He REFUSED to nap & we have discovered recently that he is NOT ready to go without a nap.

I was able to get him up & he finally ate. He made it through the hour & half till bedtime but it was just by a thread....

The ultimate tent!!

So it is INSANELY hot today. We went to storytime this morning at the library, had lunch & then rest time (Lance refused to nap). Then we headed out to hunt for some cheap sheets(I am wanting to make the kids a tent for each of their rooms). The hunt was fruitless & the kids (& I) were miserably hot. They wanted to swim, but I just wasn't feeling it. So I made a compromise......the ultimate tent!! I started & was having trouble getting it big enough (wanted to make sure they each had enought room) & then I realized I have the easiest ready made roof (my curtains)!!! CHECK IT OUT!!
They have a little sunroof on each side!!

The center is really tall...I tried to tell them this could be their "living room" but Lilly made it her room.

Lance has this little corner....he is happy with it!!

Here's hoping they play in here the rest of the afternoon!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I'm back....

I've been MIA for a few days. I haven't been feeling very good. I think it was allergies/sinus. It started Thursday evening & was on & off Friday, but yesterday I felt pretty bad all day. I am feeling much better today so hopefully it's passed.

Friday Lilly went on  her first playdate away from home. Her friend Graycie's mom (that she took skating) called Friday morning & said they were going swimming at the local pool & invited Lilly to go. Lilly was super excited!! They brought her home after taking her for some lunch. Graycie has twin brothers that are almost 10. So Lance was so excited to get to play with them for awhile. They had a blast!!! They are small for their age & I think they were shocked at how strong he is!!

I went to another coupon class yesterday morning. Not sure I really learned anything new, but it was a good refresher. I think I am making progress. Slowly, but surely. While I was at the class Jeff took the kids to Home Depot for their kids workshop. They love that!!

Today it stormed & finally rained. However, our power went out for awhile so we headed to Mammaw's. The kids haven't been there in forever so they were happy!! They played & we did baths & they had breakfast for dinner!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Some funny stories....

Ok so my kids had me in stitches most of this evening so I have to share

1. We were out at dinner & Lilly kept sliding down in the booth. Jeff & I both had told her several times to sit up. So for about the 13th time I looked at  her and say, "Please sit up". She jumps up frantically & looks around saying, "Where? Where?" I am confused for a minute & then I realize she thinks I said, "Police sit up!!!!" So I start laughing can't talk, tears rolling down my face laughing. Jeff is trying to figure out what happened & I can't even tell him. I finally get it out & we are all laughing. I am laughing as I type this. I guess you just had to she her reaction. She instantly sat straight up like the police were gonna get her. was so funny!!

2. Jeff's phone has been MIA all day. We both recalled seeing on the floor by the couch, but it was no where to be found. So out of the blue as we are looking Lance says, "I think it's in my room". We both ask why it would be in there. Of course he changes his story & says he doesn't know where it is. So the day goes on Jeff looks some more. This time Lance looks behind the tv stand & says, "I think it's back there". Again we both ask why it would be there & does he have it. To which we are told no. So after the kids are in bed I tell Jeff we really need to find the phone. So we start looking again. I asked Jeff if he looked in Lance's grill. He states he didn't & asks why. I told him that Lance had been playing with a bunch of stuff & shoving it in there. So about this time Lance gets up & needs something. I ask him "Did you have Daddy's phone?" Of course I get "No". So I go through the it's ok if you did, but we need it...blah blah. So since he is up I go in his room & look in the bottom of the grill.....any guesses what I found???? THE PHONE!! I look at him & say, "Didn't have it hun?" To which he just grins....BOY R WE IN TROUBLE!!!!!!

3. I walk out of my room tonight right after the kids are in bed (just prior to incident #2 above) & look in Lilly's room. I see a little glow. So I go in there & see that she has her IPod out playing games!!!!!!!! Seriously....what are we gonna do with these sneaky kids???

They keep us on our toes for sure!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Graduation & No paci gifts!

Yesterday the kids got a package in the mail from Pappaw & Julie. It was a graduation gift for Lilly & a no more paci gift for Lance. They were pumped!
A mini-greenhouse!!


A summer workbook to get her ready for Kindergarten!! Shes already done several pages!!!

Thank you Pappaw, Julie & Johnathan!!!

1st lost tooth!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, after struggling through dinner because it was hurting her I asked Lilly if she wanted me to pull her tooth. She told me no. The next thing I know she's in her bathroom hollering for me. I asked her what she needed & then the next thing I know she is standing in the hallway holding her TOOTH~!!!

She pulled it all by herself!!!

So after I took pics we had her rinse her mouth with water & we headed back into the living room. We were so excited & Jeff picked up the phone to call Grandma Trisha. I look & notice she has her "I'm gonna cry" face. I started asking her what's wrong & she strated crying!! She said she was tired. I consoled her for a bit & we joked with her & she finally came around some. I am still not exactly sure why she cried. I think it was a combination of being tired, scard & a little overwhelmed!! 

We offered ice cream to celebrate & she didn't want it. Just said she was tired. She eventually lightened up & we offered a family movie night. She was excited about that. We took a pic on my phone & sent to lots of people & she seemed a little better.

The problem is that I was consoling her but I wanted to cry. For some reason this hit me hard....I wasn't expecting it for one...I like to prepare myself for things like that & she pulled it herself which is CRAZY to me!! I will say it again....NOT.READY.FOR.THIS!!