Saturday, December 6, 2014


Pappaw, Julie and Johnathan came to visit us for Thanksgiving! Jeff cooked a wonderful meal as usual and we went ahead and celebrated Christmas as well. The kids were very happy about that!

Someone got the Doc toy she spent so much time with in Target! She was happy!

Lance excited about Kinex!!

Two happy kids!!

A princess castle!!

This is her "I can't believe I got a Vera Bradley backpack" face. She had no idea (she asked Santa for it) and was very happy!!


Lance checking out his ATM. He has a debit card and a pin number and can deposit money and take money out. SO COOL!


You looking at me??

Working on making a scarf!

Very interested in whatever Pappaw is working on!!
I didn't do very well with pictures this year, but we had a great visit. We love having visitors!! 
After our visitors left we just chilled the rest of the weekend. Jeff and my Dad did manage to get his new tv hooked up. He is very happy!

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