Monday, February 3, 2014


So we ended up with some crazy cold weather last week. We got some ice and the kids missed schools three days!! Jeff had to work Tuesday morning till Friday morning so it was just me and the kids. Luckily we knew it was coming so I was able to prepare somewhat. I have to admit I actually really enjoyed the days off besides missing Jeff. We played, chilled and just enjoyed our time together.

We took a trip to the Dollar Store Monday night and grabbed a few things! Lindley coloring in her new Sophia coloring book!

Playing with his goo...

Showing me her sticker

Lance & I made cookies. He wanted peanut butter. Lilly wanted chocolate chip, but didn't want to make them. So I did! LOL

Hairstylin' time!


I didn't take them out on Tuesday. I honestly had no desire to go out. It was ice, not snow. However, they insisted!

Check out the trampoline!

Lance was missing his Daddy quite a bit. He ended up sleeping with me one night.

Silly girl!

Ice covered trash can!

Looks like snow!

She liked it, but didn't last long!

Trying to make ice balls!

He would take off running and slide on his belly! No sled needed!

Eating ice!

Lindley & I headed in for some hot chocolate.

Lance had a friend come over and they had a BLAST on the trampoline with the ice.

So Fun!

I was inside where it was nice and warm so this was the only good picture I got of all three of them! This is Brody, he is in Lance's class at school and lives in our neighborhood!
All in all it was a nice few days. The kids were bummed we didn't get actual snow and that I didn't take them sledding.

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