Monday, July 15, 2013

Fun stuff

Just some random fun pics...

They decided last week they needed stir sticks for their lemonade!

I was cleaning the floors while Lindley napped, but didn't get done. I thought I could block her out, but that didn't work!!

He got out of the shower the day with this crazy hair and felt the need to make a silly face. The funny thing is that he WON'T leave it like this. He doesn't like it wild and crazy. He likes it combed down.

I moved some of Lindley's baby stuff out in the dining room. She decided she wanted to get in...

She has been in the swing several times and just chills for a while.

We took a walk/bike ride by the baby Sunday morning.

had to put our toes in the sand!

He thought he was going to move this log.

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