Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Beach fun!

We finally made it to the beach!! The kids swam for a bit, but said the water was itching them so played in the sand for awhile. They went back in the water for a bit, but again said the water was itching them. We saw no marks on them and they said they didn't feel like against bit or strung them so we didn't worry too much. Not long after they got out the second time we started seeing people catching jellyfish left and right. I bet we saw them catch 20!! Needless to say they didn't get back in the water. Lilly had a few red spots on her but they never itched or bothered her and went away. So I'm really not sure what it was. Then a bit later we heard everyone talking about a shark. Sure enough we saw his fin about 75 yards out from the beach!! Jeff said it was probably about 6ft! It was an exciting day to say the least!!

They are beach babies for sure!!

She had a blast! She was walking around pointing her finger and just jabbering! She also loved it when she got to play in the water.

The guy next to us made a big mound of sand and let Lance dig in it. He was in heaven!

Lilly and Lindley had more fun sliding down it!!
It was a very relaxing and fun day! I hope we can go again soon!

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