Thursday, July 25, 2013

Proud Parents

This week the swim team had a pasta dinner and gave out awards. We didn't go cause Jeff was working and I just wasn't up for it. Well, when we went to practice the next day they were giving out the awards to the kids that weren't there and guess what????

They BOTH got one!!! Lilly got hardest worker (girl) and Lance got most coachable (boy)!!! WE ARE SO PROUD!!! This is out of all the swimmers of their gender not just their age group!!! Those are some trophies to be proud of!! They have worked so hard this summer and really tried their best. They have only missed two practices and went to EVERY swim meet. They have city meet tomorrow morning and Lilly has an event Saturday morning then we are going to celebrate!!

Here, there and everywhere

Sorry I've been MIA. I was out of town for a few days and came back with a sinus infection and just have been dragging. I got some antibiotics and am feeling better. We haven't been up to too much. Kathy and Dennie were at Orange Beach visiting so we spent some time with them and just trying to avoid the rain!! It has rained and rained and rained here!

Just hanging out reading a book.

They were playing baseball! So cute!

Relaxing in bed with Momma before bed!

Hanging out at the bay. The pictures of Lance are not action shots. He was literally hanging and climbing like a monkey. He has some fierce upper body strength. However.......

he didn't realize that it was hurting his hands until the skin broke. Bless his heart...he cried and cried. They are doing better but he was in pain!

She LOVES to put her hat on, get her purse and play! So sweet

I am feeling better, but for some reason am struggling with cooking dinner. So last night I asked the kids if they wanted to cook. They jumped at the idea and so sandwiches and pasta salad was made and it was YUMMY! I supervised the pasta salad (stove), but they did all the work. So proud of them!!

The Wharf

Last week we went to the Wharf for the light show. It was a lot of fun!!

Listening to music before the show!

So fun!!

Having fun!

She LOVED it!

This is a shot from the second floor of people dancing. Between the light shows they play music and you can dance. We danced for awhile then went up to watch the second show. They were pretty cool and a lot of fun!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Junior Champs

Last week the kids had a relay meet and they both did well. Lance swam in 4 events and Lilly 3. I honestly can't remember how they did. It's harder when it's relay cause it's just an overall time.

Then on Saturday they had junior champs. The meet was about an hour and forty-five minutes away and we decided to go up Friday to stay overnight so we didn't have to get up early. The hotel in the town ended up being a dump so we had to drive back 30 minutes toward home. We ended up finding a room and the kids got to swim. They were happy and it made our drive a bit shorter the next morning.
This was a meet for kids that aren't the fastest. If their qualifying time was too fast they couldn't compete. Lilly's backstroke time was too fast so she could only to the 25 & 50 free style. Lance was able to do all three. Lilly hasn't been feeling well. Her allergies are acting up so her times were a little slower than normal, but she still did great. She ended up getting a third and fourth place medal so she was HAPPY!! Lance ended up getting two first place and one second place medal. Talk about HAPPY!!

Having fun at the hotel pool

Hard to get all three looking

Ready for the meet

So funny!

Playing between events.

She thinks she is as big as they are. If they start doing cartwheels and handstands she does this and waits for someone to flip her.

Lilly is getting really good at her handstands. She did fall right as I snapped this, but still!

Jeff was a timer so we had to stay till the end of the meet. Lindley almost made it.....but just got worn out.

Lilly was wore out!! She had a little nap on the way home!
They have a meet tomorrow and then City Meet next weekend. They have done so well and we are so proud of them!!

Fun stuff

Just some random fun pics...

They decided last week they needed stir sticks for their lemonade!

I was cleaning the floors while Lindley napped, but didn't get done. I thought I could block her out, but that didn't work!!

He got out of the shower the day with this crazy hair and felt the need to make a silly face. The funny thing is that he WON'T leave it like this. He doesn't like it wild and crazy. He likes it combed down.

I moved some of Lindley's baby stuff out in the dining room. She decided she wanted to get in...

She has been in the swing several times and just chills for a while.

We took a walk/bike ride by the baby Sunday morning.

had to put our toes in the sand!

He thought he was going to move this log.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Rainy day fun!

Although the weather held out last night for the fireworks it rained pretty much all day. I decided to take the kids bowling this morning. Then we had lunch at Chik-fil-a. This is the first time this summer we have had lunch out. We have been packing lunches and having picnics if we go out. I can't tell you the last time we went to Chik-fil-a so they were happy!! When we got home I made them clean the car because it was GROSS!!

Lindley LOVE bowling. She wanted to keep doing it over and over!!

She thinks she a big girl!

They worked on it for about an hour. It looks much better!!!
We visited my parents and then came home and chilled!

Happy 4th of July!!

Jeff went back to work on the 4th, but we managed to have a good holiday. The kids and I went to see Monsters University at the movies. Then we came home to rest and made some crafts. I cooked and my parents came over to eat and visit. It was supposed to rain so I really didn't want to get the kids out. I picked up a few sparklers and fireworks. We played outside and waited for Jeff to get home when it finally got dark Jeff did let off our fireworks. The kids had a blast!!

She ended up with two glow sticks in the front and one in the back. Poor little sister!!

It was different to not watch the fireworks down by the bay, but we had a great time just hanging out at home!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Swim catch up

Well I'm a bit behind on swim. I was waiting to get the overall results from last weeks meet and then I forgot and we had this weeks meet last night so here goes!!

Last week we went to Bay Minette and it was a much smaller meet. They both did AMAZING!!! They both one their heats in backstroke!! Lance placed 4th overall for his age with a time of 41.09 (first time he did backstroke in a meet). Lilly placed 4th for her age as well with a time of 26.96.

In the freestyle Lance placed 3rd in his heat and 3rd overall for his age with a time of 33.09. Lilly placed 2nd in her heat (was VERY close to first) and placed 7th for her age group with a time of 24.40.

This meet was HOT, but a lot of fun because after the meet they opened the slide and diving board for the kids to play on (this is the only reason they wanted to go). Anyway, they had a lot of fun and did great!!

This is the best I could get of Lilly coming down!

There's Lance!!
He went off the diving board and did a front flip. (First time he has ever been on one). I tried to catch him and tell him not to, but he went right up and did it. He is going to cause me to have a nervous break down!!

Lindley got to play in the baby pool and was very excited!!
This weeks meet was at home. Before the regular meet started they had some relays. This is where four kids compete together against other teams of 4. Two on each end of the pool. Lilly and Lance did so well last week that they both go to do a relay this week!! Plus, Lance did a 50 free on top of the 25 free and the backstroke. He did 4 events and did great!! They didn't have a 50 free for girls so Lilly did three, but did great as well!!
Lance's relay team got 2nd place! Let me just say that the relay portion was VERY chaotic (trying to get the teams together and make sure the right kids are at the right end of the pool etc). Anyway, the funny thing about Lance's group is that prior to the relay 3 of the 4 boys were crying at one point or the other. Lance hadn't had a nap and has I mentioned it was chaotic, which we are learning he doesn't handle well. He was confused and unsure of what to do he panicked a bit. Eventually we got them all together and calmed and they did great!!
There were 7 events between the two of them this week and I couldn't keep track of how they did on their heats, but for his backstroke he got 7th for his age group with a time of 35.01. He shaved 6 seconds off his time from last week!! He got 8th in both his freestyles with a time of 33.26 for the 25 and 1.31 for his 50!! He was about the time on his 25 as last week, but considering he did 4 events and was tired I was so impressed!! He got place ribbons for all his events!!!
Lilly's relay team got third!! She was not happy about being chosen to do a relay. She doesn't like change from what she is used to. However, she was glad she did because she got a place ribbon for it!! She got 20th overall for her age in the backstroke with a time of 30.73 and 24th for her freestyle with a time of 29.34. She was a bit slower than last week. She got a little choked up on the relay because she waited to long to take a breathe and I thought that had her nervous. However, I talked to her and she said she was tired, but she also slowed down on her freestyle. They have a junior champs meet coming up and it's for slower swimmers. Her time last week for the backstroke was too fast and now she can't do it at junior champs. She knew her time for the freestyle was close so she said she slowed down so she could still compete. They get medals so she is VERY excited!! She was upset that Lance got place ribbons and she only got participation ribbons. I explained to her that she is competing against more people than he does (it's about half the number), but she was still bummed. She should have place ribbons from last weeks meet coming we just haven't gotten those yet.
We are so proud of them!! They have done so well. Their coach even commented to me about how well they both did last week. She was impressed!!
I will have to upload videos later. I have so many and they take awhile to upload!!