Monday, April 22, 2013

Catching up!

Grandma was here last week and we had a nice visit with her. This weekend we just chilled at home. The weather has been nice and we have been enjoying that!!

She loves to be outside and loves the playhouse!!

Grandma bought Lilly and Lance kites. One day while Lilly was at school Lance and Grandma flew his!

He did pretty good!

We had our first water play day! Lindley had a blast!

Look at those happy faces! Come on summer!!

Came across this.....I think I was about Lindley's age here. I think I can actually see a little bit of me in her!

Look closely at that has a tooth in it!!

Lance was having snack and said mommy my tooth hurts. I felt it and told him it was lose. A few minutes later it was out!!! He was beyond excited!!! He has been waiting to lose a tooth forever!

The kids enjoyed lunch on the porch this weekend!
We are loving the warm weather and ready for summer break! Only a month left!!!

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