Sunday, April 7, 2013

Beach day!!

Since we've all been feeling bad and are FINALLY feeling better I decided we would visit the beach today! I knew the water would be too cold, but thought the kids could play in the sand for awhile and it would be nice to relax. I was right!!

Jeff had to go back to work so mom went down with us. We didn't stay long, but had a great time and it the kids had a blast!!

She wasn't sure about the sand at first, but after a few minutes she was digging and having a blast.

We stayed up by the boardwalk since we knew the water would be cold. This is what I got when I ask for a picture to send Jeff. Lilly has this new pose. I don't know where it came from, but it cracks me up. (also....look at her she's grown!!)

Lilly immediately started jumping off the edge and it continued for quite awhile!

I tried to get the "in the air" shot.... Lilly finally got it, but Lance looked like he was doing ninja skills!
We did go down to the water and the kids got in even though it was freezing!! I only let them get in for a few minutes and they begged to go back down before we left. I had put Lindley's feet in the first time, but not too much. The second I put her hands in and swung her legs. She kicked and had so much fun! She was giggling and jumping. She was so excited. She's going to be a hoot this summer. We have 3 water beach babies for sure!!
Grandma Trish is coming later this week and we can't to take her down!!!

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