Sunday, April 28, 2013

Fun Friday!

Jeff had to work Friday night so the kids and I grabbed some dinner then headed to the park. Of course the evening wouldn't be complete without ice cream!!

Such a pretty girl!

She loves to swing!!

Look at those monkeys!!

After I took this she moved to the left and tried and then came back. I was refusing to help her. (This is after we had already climbed up and walked all around the play set).

Of course...she didn't need me anyway! She did it!

Yummy ice cream!!

It was a fun night!!

Kindergarten Registration!!

This week I took Lance to sign up for kindergarten. I CAN'T BELEIVE IT!!!!!!!

It was just another day for him. He asked a few questions, but for the most part it was no big deal. Time has flown by. I am ready on one hand, but not on the other. Hopefully by August I will be totally ready!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Catching up!

Grandma was here last week and we had a nice visit with her. This weekend we just chilled at home. The weather has been nice and we have been enjoying that!!

She loves to be outside and loves the playhouse!!

Grandma bought Lilly and Lance kites. One day while Lilly was at school Lance and Grandma flew his!

He did pretty good!

We had our first water play day! Lindley had a blast!

Look at those happy faces! Come on summer!!

Came across this.....I think I was about Lindley's age here. I think I can actually see a little bit of me in her!

Look closely at that has a tooth in it!!

Lance was having snack and said mommy my tooth hurts. I felt it and told him it was lose. A few minutes later it was out!!! He was beyond excited!!! He has been waiting to lose a tooth forever!

The kids enjoyed lunch on the porch this weekend!
We are loving the warm weather and ready for summer break! Only a month left!!!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Beach day!!

Since we've all been feeling bad and are FINALLY feeling better I decided we would visit the beach today! I knew the water would be too cold, but thought the kids could play in the sand for awhile and it would be nice to relax. I was right!!

Jeff had to go back to work so mom went down with us. We didn't stay long, but had a great time and it the kids had a blast!!

She wasn't sure about the sand at first, but after a few minutes she was digging and having a blast.

We stayed up by the boardwalk since we knew the water would be cold. This is what I got when I ask for a picture to send Jeff. Lilly has this new pose. I don't know where it came from, but it cracks me up. (also....look at her she's grown!!)

Lilly immediately started jumping off the edge and it continued for quite awhile!

I tried to get the "in the air" shot.... Lilly finally got it, but Lance looked like he was doing ninja skills!
We did go down to the water and the kids got in even though it was freezing!! I only let them get in for a few minutes and they begged to go back down before we left. I had put Lindley's feet in the first time, but not too much. The second I put her hands in and swung her legs. She kicked and had so much fun! She was giggling and jumping. She was so excited. She's going to be a hoot this summer. We have 3 water beach babies for sure!!
Grandma Trish is coming later this week and we can't to take her down!!!

Saturday, April 6, 2013


We have all had been having issues with allergies the past few weeks. However, poor Lilly has had it the worst. She takes singular pretty much year round anyway. However during this time of year they get really bad. We went to the doctor a few weeks ago because she was coughing so much at night. We added nasal spray (which she has had before) and an inhaler before bed (which she has had before). Plus, Zyrtec as well. These changes helped the cough and she seemed to be doing better. She also had some RX eye drops from before that I had been given her as needed. However, we ran out of those while the Hanavers were visiting.

This was what her eye looked like one evening after playing outside (while the Hanavers were here). I got something OTC and it seemed to be helping, but then this week after Lance's game her eye was terrible.

This was when we got home....

This was after her shower. It was actually both eyes (which is sometimes is). I decided it was time to go back and get the RX drops as they seem to help more. When she woke up the next morning it was still puffy, but it wasn't itching.
We went to the doctor and we spent a lot of time talking (we actually saw the NP, last time it was the doctor so we discussed the changes we made and all that). She said she would call in the drops and then started to examine her. She commented on her tonsils being large (they always ask if she snores) and said they weren't red, but large.
Then she listened to her and said she was going to give her a breathing treatment. This isn't the first time she has had to get one, but I hadn't mentioned her cough because I thougth it was part of the virus she was still getting over. Anyway, after the treatment we talked some more and she change her inhaler to a twice daily instead a before bed as needed. The difference is one is preventative and the other is more of a treatment. She felt like because her allergies are so severe and we have been down this road before (with needed the breathing treatments) that it was something to consider. The doctor and I had discussed it some at the previous appointment, but decided to go with the other for the time being. We are doing a two week trial.
Basically we should have little to no coughing and she should not need the other inhaler and should sleep through the night without coughing. This puts her on a total of 5 medicines daily (although the drops are as needed, but I give them to her if I know shes going to be outside a lot). I have very mixed feelings about this, but based on the discusssion I have had with the doctor/NP the allergist would do the same and getting testing/taking shots for environmental allergies isn't necessarily worth it. She may grow out of them and end up allergic to something different. So for the time being this is what we are trying (only on day 3) and she seems to be doing better. Fingerscrossed that this brings her some comfort and she can enjoy this wonderful spring weather we are finally having!!!

One happy boy!

A friend of Jeffs asked if he could give Lance a BB gun. We discussed it and agreed he was ready. So they stopped by one night this week and gave it to him. He had no idea and was SO excited.

Priceless moments!


He was able to shoot it three times by himself and hit the target on the first try!!
I can't believe he is big enough to do that!!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles....

Lance is currently obsessed with the Ninja turn so are Lindley and Lilly

Jeff got greeted with this one evening this week. SO FUNNY!! This might be my most favorite picture of all time!!
Lindley LOVES to play ninja. She cries when he brings it out if there's not one for her!! This girl is ROTTEN!!

Look familiar??

So Lindley seems to resemble Lance a bit more than Lilly (it does depend on the picture)

Two peas in a pod...
However, her behavior is starting to resemble him more and more.... 
Lance fall of 2008
Lindley April 2013
Lance summer 2009

Lindley April 2013
Lance winter 2009

Lindley April 2013 (this is her wink)
Needless to say she is turning out to be quite a climber. The biggest difference is that she does a little better getting out of her situations. (Lance always got stuck) She can usually get out without help. Also, she is more cautious and seems to take her time getting out. We have our hands FULL for sure!!