Wednesday, July 6, 2016

March....the beginning of madness

March always kicks off our busy time. Birthdays, baseball, Easter this year, Spring Break and lots more. This is going to be a long one!! We started this year off with a big kick.....we found out we were expecting baby #4!!! I hadn't been feeling well and couldn't quite figure out what was wrong. Finally we put two and two together and got #4. LOL. Due date is October 20th.

Just know that I started feeling pretty bad shortly after we found out and by this point...8 weeks I was just getting through each day. So for it to be such a busy month was not fun. However, we made it!!
Just cause!

Lance got his birthday present a couple weeks early!! HAPPY BOY!

Those eyes get me every time...

and the hair...

Lindley's BFF's at school!

And let the birthday fun begin!!!

Oh year!!

Rotten thing!

Sweet smile!

And just like that the hair is short...still handsome...


Birthday #1....Daniel Tiger for Lindley's 4th!

She was so excited for her party. She wanted it at the park, but weather wasn't at the house it was!

So big!

That girl!


coloring with her friends

Time for cupcakes!!



New pjs!

Dinner to celebrate!

My favorite boys!!

Look at that hair!!! MY GOODNESS!!

Opening day!! Let's go Mets!!

Field trip to Montgomery with my big girl!! (still feeling pretty sick at this point, but happy I got to spend the day with her)

Such a sweet class!!

100 point club!!

More bday presents!

So excited about her backpack!

And tee shirt!

Presents from Pappaw and Julie!


And just like that he's 8!!

Playing Monopoly for the first time....long night....

Lance's sleepover party ended up falling on a night he had a game. His friends just met us at the ball field and watched him. Marley had a game before him. They both played great and got game balls that night!! So cool!

Headed to Rotolo's for pizza and games!



Jeff was pretty much on duty...I was exhausted and feeling awful. They were good and I think everyone had a good time.

Egg hunt at the library!

Spent her bday money!!!

Spring break!!!

I was feeling pretty good this day and the kids and I enjoyed a nice day messing around downtown.

Lindley's Easter picture.

Happy Easter!

Swimming...even though it's freezing...

Crazy kids!!

Leah and Marci came to visit us. We decided to head to the beach. Water was cold, but they kids had a blast!

They got along great!

WHEW what a month!!!

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