Wednesday, July 6, 2016


End of school madness and Lilly's play!!

Proud of her castle!!

Lilly had play rehearsal in Spanish Fort and it's was right by the new library there. So we checked it out and visited the park!

He still loves trains!!!


Always a monkey!!

Like peas in a pod!!

And he crashed!

150 point club!!! WHOHOO!!!

So proud of these boys!!

Lunch with sissy and her friend!!

Lilly was in Beauty and the Beast. She had a small part but did great!! So proud of her. Her schedule was crazy between the play and dance and she was a super trooper!

Love her!

Dinner to celebrate our star!


She was a napkin.

Look at her!!

Such amazing talent!

Even mermaids need their sleep!

BFF's enjoying Brody's bday party!

Guess who was the top runner in his PE class?!

This guy!! He ran 173 laps which is 34.6 miles. AMAZING!!

Lilly got a class award, A/B honor roll for 4th quarter and all A average for the year!! WHOHOO!

Way to go Lilly!!!

She loved her teacher, Mrs. Lauber. So sweet!!

The last day of school! We made it!!

Enjoying the long weekend at the pool!

Frog legs!

Seriously....think they are relaxed enough??

He's to much! LOL

Gosh...I love these kids!! It's going to be a crazy summer, but we will have fun!!


April slowed down a bit for us, but we still had baseball, dance and play. I was starting to feel some better and the weather was really warming up!

Great check ups for all three!!

Dinner on the back porch! They love this time of year.

More library fun

Lunch too!

Wore her out!

Baseball buddies!!


Watching their friends!

Official facebook announcement....we were able to find out gender early due to my age (some benefits to being 35 when you have a baby). All tests game back good and baby is healthy and a  GIRL!!! Lance was disappointed, but I know he will love her!!
Lost another tooth and looking like a hillbilly!

Watching bubby practice!!

Krispy Kreme!!

Slip and slide!

Lance bought it with his birthday money!

After school treat!!