Sunday, April 12, 2015

Lindley's birthday!

It's birthday season!!! This is probably the last year I am going to get away with a small birthday for Lindley. We celebrated a day early cause Jeff had to work on her birthday.

All decorated!

Ready to party!

She was very excited!

Sweet girls!

Happy Birthday!

Yay for cake!

Presents time!

So happy to have some new lipstick.

She loves her new backpack!!



Getting some loving!

On her birthday we went to lunch at McDonald's of course!

Then ice cream after school!!


Then to the ball field!

Because Lance had practice.

Had to take the backpack

Such a happy birthday girl!!

More presents from Pappaw and Julie

Her big girl bed from Mommy and Daddy!

A bed tent from Grandma!

Money from Uncle Cam!!
I'd say that's one lucky girl!! We are hitting three fast and hard!! She is loud and never stops talking. She doesn't like to hear "No" and is very impatient!! She is also hilarious and loves everything and everyone!!

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