Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Fall Into Fairhope!

I had a webinar Saturday morning and Jeff was working. I decided to my luck without a sitter. I told the big kids that if they were good and helped keep Lindley happy I would give them $2. They started off a little rough, but after I came out and talked to them I didn't hear another peep. When I walked out this is what was waiting for me.

It says "Surprise Mom, the house is clen! Love Lilly and Lance" "P.S. Lindley is sleeping"
So they decided to pick up the house while I was in the webinar. They turned music on (they are my kids after all) and I guess Lindley got up on the ottoman (or they put her there...that's a little unclear) and fell asleep. They picked up their rooms, swept the floor and wiped down the kitchen with wipes. It was so sweet!! They earned their $2 and then we got to have a fun afternoon together!!

It has finally cooled off here some and we are able to get out a bit more. Saturday was Fall Into Fairhope which is a combination of Birdfest, Grand Festival of Books and an art festival. We have gone for the past several years. It's not very big, but makes for a fun afternoon.

The touch tank...I think it's the first year Lilly actually touched something!


animal track rubbings


Pinecone/peanut butter bird feeders...always a big hit!!

Lindley did pretty good!

Just making some music!

Lance was in heaven!

Future rock star!!

There is a book called "The day the crayons quit". It's adorable and this sign is from that...so cute!

Cutest crayons ever!

Lilly had several gift cards to spend so walked over to Page & Palette and she got a new book and then we went to Cold Snap for some ice cream!

It was no weight day...which meant we paid a flat fee and they could put as much on it as they wanted

Lance took it to heart...filled that bad boy up!!
Then we came home and hung our birdfeeders...

We discovered there was already a nest up there!! So hopefully they enjoy the treats we left for them!!
Sunday morning we went to Sam's and came across this lovely mix...I had myself talked out of it but the kids begged.

They wanted cookies....THEY ARE YUMMY!!

Saturday they had Waldo's hidden all over downtown. If you found one you got your name in a drawing for a free book. Yesterday I got a call that Lilly had won!! She picked the BIG book!!
Lucky girl!!


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