Saturday, September 27, 2014

Some of our crazy life!

Lindley is a very good sleeper. A lot like Lance...very easy to go down for nap and bed and usually sleeps good. However, she gets in moods where she wakes up and ends up in our bed. Totally normal they all do it. This particular night we weren't even in bed yet....she totally got her way.

Look how proud she is!

We had a particularly rough evening this night. Jeff was working. We were all out of sorts...however, with bedtime in sight....they were pretty sweet.

She loves her some pizza! Just having some lunch after some shopping at Sam's.
We had a playdate scheduled with the Callahan boys (from swim). We carpool now and they have been begging. Just as I was getting ready to put Lindley down for a nap my cell phone rang. It was the school. Lance wasn't feeling well. He had a headache and low grade temp. He hadn't felt well the weekend prior so I guess it wasn't quite out of his system.

I brought him home and he laid in our room while I had a webinar. After I got done and picked up Lilly he moved out to the couch and didn't move except to eat.

He never got any other symptoms and his temp never got higher than 101. He laid all evening and woke up the next day feeling much better.

While Lance laid on the couch Lilly was on my computer taking notes about Christopher Columbus for fun. It was a very relaxing evening, which was much needed after a long week!
Of course it didn't last long.....

They love to wrestle

She LOVES him!!

Monkey see, monkey do!!
I let them stay up and watch a movie. Lindley was running around and I made her sit down and the next thing I know....she's out!!

Lindley has been loving her dollhouse. However, I think she is a little confused! 

Just being cute!

Almost 9!! CRAZY!!

Talking to them!

Just a mid day bath...that's how we roll!

Silly girl!!

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