Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Road Trip

NoNo decided to come down for a visit, but needed someone to meet her halfway to bring her home. I decided this would be a great opportunity to take a road trip. I looked and found a neat little water park right about halfway. So Lori, Ally, Brent, Hadley and NoNo drove to meet up with my parent, the kids and I. We had a nice little visit and the kids enjoyed the water park!!

This is the only picture I took at the park. We were too busy playing!! Lindley fell asleep on pap on the lazy river!
After we got cleaned up and had dinner we head to the mall to burn some energy.

A little glow in the dark putt-putt with 4 kids = pure chaos, but a lot of fun for them!


So much fun!


HAHAH!! Crazy girls!

Our prince...taking us to the Royal Ball

Four princesses!! Aren't we beautiful??

Princess Lilly!

Sleepover!!! (Not really Hadley went back to her room, but it was fun to play)
It was a short visit, but we had fun! I would like to go back to the water park again!

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