Wednesday, June 4, 2014

End of year parties and last day of school

We survived kindergarten and second grade!
Happy face!

Party time!!

We LOVED Mrs. Vincent! She was such a great fit for Lilly!!

Lance cried on the last day of school when they did calendar and it said zero more days of school! He said he would miss Mrs. Robertson. She was fun but he learned so much! Hope we are as lucky next year!

They both had amazing report cards. Lance got all G's and Lilly got all A's. This note was on the bottom of Lilly's test scores. It almost made me cry. So proud of our sweet girl!!

                   Aug.2013                                                                                               May 2014
My goodness they have grown!!!
We were very lucky this year and two amazing teachers. Both kids were happy and enjoyed school. We are all ready to have a break though!!

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