Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas!!

We had a GREAT Christmas and everyone made it on the nice list!! Even Jeff & I! Lance was in our room at 4:30, but just asked to get in our bed and said nothing about Santa. Next came Lilly just a few minutes later. Same thing...just crawled in bed. Lilly tossed and turned and eventually said, "when can we open presents"? We finally woke up and got going. Jeff woke the baby about 5:15 and we were off!!

The Wade Family 2013

Dad was working so it was just Mom and us on Christmas Eve

She loved her sweater from Uncle Cam!

Yay clothes from Uncle Cam!

New Toms from Cam!

Camo pants from Mammaw....yes he really wanted them!

her fringe boots!!

Checking out her new ride

pogo sticks!

Looking good!

Mammaw & Pappaw did great!

Beautiful girl!

Lindley thought she would give the pogo a try

The Night Before Christmas

We are ready!

He came!!!

Looking a little sleepy

She has spotted the gifts!

Stockings are exciting!

Lindley was excited about her princess book!

Minnie slippers!

Her Vera Bradley purse!

 Real tools! About this time I started hearing "Santa is awesome"


A potty chair....oh boy!!

North Face jacket!!

Checking out Dr. McStuffins

Karaoke machine


Team effort

She spotted the balls on the box

Daddy's turn (a variety of hot sauces)

New AL camo hat

Gifts from Mommy & Daddy included clothes, movie, games & art supplies! They have been begging for new terrible am I that I didn't give this to them sooner!! They were VERY excited! Plus they got their own ream of paper. They are constantly stealing from my printer!

This shirt is VERY hard to come by. When I got the email that they were in stock I ordered right away. However, I had to confirm the size he needed so he knew he was getting it. Still happy!

Gifts from Aunt Bobbie, Uncle Kevin & Taylor. Some crafts and a movie plus gift cards!! WHOHOO!!

I got an apron! I've never had one and mentioned it to Jeff. I've already hung it in the kitchen and can't wait to use it. Although that means I'll have to cook :-(

Picture collage....I think I'm doing just Disney pictures!

A Blu-Ray player for Jeff!

This is a necklace that I told Jeff I wanted. I sent him an email months ago and he remembered!! 
It is each of the kids initials and birthstones. I LOVE it!! 
Lilly got monogrammed earrings and a necklace from Grandma Trisha
Isn't is beautiful?

She loves them!

Lance got his ninja turtle lego lair from Grandma!

Clothes and a magna doodle for Lindley form Grandma

Lilly reading her poem to Lance that she wrote. I told them they could make each other a gift this year. She did a snowman ornament and the poem. He did a melted crayon ornament for her that said "best sister"

What a mess!

Lots of trash!

Lilly made Lindley a crayon ornament

Oh goodness!

Look at her go!

Such a big girl!

She LOVES it!!

Xbox time!!

She's pretty good on her pogo stick!

Watch me jump the curb!!

She was pretty excited about her potty chair and sat on it several times. I have been worried she would be hard since the other two were pretty easy. Maybe not?!

New outfit and boots from Mammaw!

We put a movie on and made them rest for a bit during the day, but neither napped. This is at about 6:45 Christmas night. Moved Lance and he slept till about 7 or 7:15 (he didn't wake me so I'm not sure). Tried to move Lilly and she woke, but was still in bed by 8:30 and slept till about 8:30 today. They played all day and were WORE out. I'd say that's a good Christmas!

Lindley's sweater and skirt from Uncle Cam. Everything that everyone got fit except Lilly's Toms (which we kind of knew). SO excited I don't have to exchange or return a bunch of stuff. The second microphone we got for the karaoke machine doesn't work (Jeff may have broke it trying to put batteries in). Anyway, we have to try and exchange or replace that, but that's IT!!!

We had a VERY good Christmas. The kids seemed very happy. I was worried since Lilly didn't many toys, but she was SO happy. She has wore her boots anytime she is in the house and I don't think she has taken her purse off!! I have already heard many sang on the karaoke, watched many games on the Xbox, played games and watched pogo and slides! We are truly blessed!!

Merry Christmas!!

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