Sunday, November 3, 2013

Play-Doh, park and a quiet weekend

Jeff worked all weekend and I just wasn't up to dragging the kids out. We did run to a consignment sale and stop by a friends, then McD's for dinner on Friday, but other than that we chilled at home most of the weekend. It was REALLY nice! The kids played well and I got some things accomplished, but also got to relax a bit!

This was Lindley first experience with Play-Doh (I usually make them play while she naps!). She of course tried to eat it right away so I had to plug her!! She played for awhile and seemed to really like it!

Making cookies!

Lance....not sure...he was randomly throwing it at times...I don't understand him most days...

What a goober!! This is what she kept doing when I tried to take her picture. She thinks she's funny!

Caught cha'


Lilly and Lance are always too busy for pictures!!

Well...this is the pile of stuff I have slowly been cleaning out. I made the mistake of mentioning a yard sale and letting the kids split the money for Disney. So I'm going to try and pull it off.....just got to get some motivation!

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