Saturday, May 18, 2013

Swim, last day, field day & more!!

Lilly had swim practice this week. (Lance doesn't start till after Memorial Day). It was pretty tough for her, but I think because it is after school and she is worn out. Plus, she hasn't swam since last summer!!
Practicing her kicks. This wore her legs out!!

She said this one wasn't bad.
She did says she wants to practice on her own when it's not practice time. I thought that was cute!!

He was not happy about this. He said "I wish it was the first day, not the last". Bless his heart. He is really going to miss his buddies. (None of them will go to his school). He gave his teachers the longest sweet!

Lilly's class at field day!

Lilly and her friends!

Look at that throw!! I WISH she would play tee ball!!

Some bean bag dodge ball


Hot and tired!!
Lance got to player catcher!! He didn't get to do much, but he was excited. His last game is Monday!! He has done great this season!

Check out that molar on her right bottom. It's almost all the way through. Poor girl!!

So Lilly ended up having Madi spend the night last. This girl woke up at 5:45 and the others were up by 6:15!! CRAZY KIDS!

Spaghetti!! Yummy! She is doing better eating, but is still picky. Still not putting much weight on. (I have no idea why her eye looks swollen. Must have just rubbed it or is tired).

After dinner we went for ice cream and headed down to the pier. I was able to capture this amazing shot.  So lucky to be a short drive from this!!! We put our feet in and the loved it. Lindley is going to be a beach bum like the others I believe!!

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