Saturday, May 25, 2013


We're free, we're free!!  Lilly's last day was Friday and we are so excited we got an early start. On Thursday I let the kids swim during/after Lilly's practice. Then today we went to the splash pad.

I sat Lindley down at the pool and she just posed like a super model....I couldn't help myself!

Such a cheese head!

Look at those little feet.

She sat like this for a long time just watching everyone!

Silly girl!

So big and handsome!

The face of a happy 2nd grader!!!

Having fun in the yard last night!!

Silly girl...put herself in a box!

Had a blast at the Splash pad today! Here's to a great summer!!
I have to fly out Monday afternoon for work and will be gone till Friday. Trying to make the most of this weekend. Jeff went back to work tonight so we missed him today. :-(

Last tee ball game

Lance had his last tee ball game this week. He told us he was ready because he "doesn't want to have to take showers". We cracked up!! He didn't have the best game (got out twice). I think he must have been nervous, but he still do good in the field.

Tanking up before his game!

Ready to go!!

His second trophy!! He was so excited to add to his shelf!
He says he isn't playing in the fall....Daddy says he is. We will see who wins!!
He really made some great improvement this season. I am very proud at how dedicated and focused he was.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Swim, last day, field day & more!!

Lilly had swim practice this week. (Lance doesn't start till after Memorial Day). It was pretty tough for her, but I think because it is after school and she is worn out. Plus, she hasn't swam since last summer!!
Practicing her kicks. This wore her legs out!!

She said this one wasn't bad.
She did says she wants to practice on her own when it's not practice time. I thought that was cute!!

He was not happy about this. He said "I wish it was the first day, not the last". Bless his heart. He is really going to miss his buddies. (None of them will go to his school). He gave his teachers the longest sweet!

Lilly's class at field day!

Lilly and her friends!

Look at that throw!! I WISH she would play tee ball!!

Some bean bag dodge ball


Hot and tired!!
Lance got to player catcher!! He didn't get to do much, but he was excited. His last game is Monday!! He has done great this season!

Check out that molar on her right bottom. It's almost all the way through. Poor girl!!

So Lilly ended up having Madi spend the night last. This girl woke up at 5:45 and the others were up by 6:15!! CRAZY KIDS!

Spaghetti!! Yummy! She is doing better eating, but is still picky. Still not putting much weight on. (I have no idea why her eye looks swollen. Must have just rubbed it or is tired).

After dinner we went for ice cream and headed down to the pier. I was able to capture this amazing shot.  So lucky to be a short drive from this!!! We put our feet in and the loved it. Lindley is going to be a beach bum like the others I believe!!

Fancy Nancy Fun

On Wednesday the author of the Fancy Nancy series was at the library. At first when I asked Lilly if she wanted to go she said no. However, after she heard about the "pink limousine" she wanted to go!
We had a great time and I'm glad she changed her mind!

Lilly & Robin Preiss Glasser, her first illustrator signing!
Lilly got the first book in the new series Nancy Clancy, it's a chapter series!!

outside the pink limousine!! (Ava was there too)

Lindley LOVED this pink carpet! You can see her saying "cheese"

She did this all on her own...SO MUCH TROUBLE!!

Signing the guest book!!

check out all that pink!!

The front of the pink limousine!!
It was SO much fun!! Junie B. Jones mobile tour is coming in June and Lilly has recently became a big Junie B fan! We are so excited!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

200+ points!!!

Today was the finally AR (accelerated reader) program. Lilly was adamant she was going to get 100 points. After that she just kept going and going and going. Her teacher has allowed her to read and test as much as she would like which has been great. That led to her get over 200 points, which put her as the 2nd in her grade level!! Only one student had more points than her!!

We are so proud of her!!

She got recognized for 100, 125, 150, 175 and 200 points today. (They didn't have an April program).

Way to go Lilly!!

This was when she was only 1 of 2 students standing. She was very proud!!
I am so glad she loves to read!!

Lindley and Lance had a great time playing outside today. It was a beautiful day!!

Clean and shiny after her bath last night!

New dresses

Awhile back I saw the cutest dresses posted on facebook. When I clicked I was shocked to find that Carrie Banks (now Wolfe) makes them. Carrie was a year younger than me in school. We weren't particularly close, but knew each other. Anyway, I immediately told her I wanted some dresses for the girls. Once I got her the measurements and gave her an idea of what I wanted I had to wait...she has a lot of illness going on right now in her family so it took her awhile. However, they were worth it!! They finally arrived on Saturday and I am SO pleased.

Lindley now says "cheese" when she sees a camera. However, she isn't always looking at the camera.

They fit great!!

Look at that pose!!

Such a great big sister

Love them!

You see why this needed it's own post??

So precious!!
She also made me three reusable snack bags that are adorable! She sent me a boo-boo bag for it taking so long! I can't say enough about her! Her business is Eli & Grace.

Odds and Ends

We haven't had a whole lot going on around here lately, but here's some odd and ends. (The things I was actually able to get a picture of.)

Lilly and I found some decorations for her room. We are hoping to start painting their bedrooms soon and she needed a theme. She chose BEACH!! Should be cute.

A little game of twister with Lindley right in the middle of it all!

Jeff painted the kid's bathroom!! It was BAD. The whole house needs it, but with tall ceilings we are trying to ease into it! It looks so much better!!

Lance decided to count to 100 the other morning....he is so random.

He literally finished counting and then went and did this. He wanted some beads from the top shelf....some things never change.

These two cheeseheads.....they are pretty good buddies she's going to miss him in the fall.

Lance got $5 from Grandma for his preschool graduation. He was so excited and can't wait to spend it!!

The kids have been driving me crazy saying they "Don't know what to do". So I came up with the jar with ideas in it. The catch is they draw two and have to pick one and do it for at least 30 minutes. They are learning it might be easier to figure something out on their own :-)

Jeff and Dad both worked on Mother's Day so Mom and I took the kids to lunch, but I forgot to have her get a picture so here it is!! Mother's day 2013!

Another one!

Ok so maybe there was a little more than I thought...gonna have to do another post....