Wednesday, December 19, 2012

We're FREE!

Today was the kids last day of school and tonight is Jeff's last night of work. WHOHOO!! So excited to have some family time at home doing whatever we want!!

We gave Lindley one of her Christmas presents this week. She has been pushing boxes and toys around so we thought it was time!


He could play cars all day!

Lindley and Lance had to go with me to Lilly's Christmas party yesterday. Can you tell who the hit of the party was?? They LOVED her and she LOVED them!

We've been working quite a bit with Lance on his letters. It hit me a while back that he will be registering for kindergarten before I know it. :-(    He is doing pretty good. He gets frustrated and down when he doesn't know one. He requires A LOT of positive feedback and you have do it on his terms and when he is willing to do it. However, he is very smart and can do it when he tries.

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