Friday, October 19, 2012


We have had our first experience with croup. Lance started coughing on Sunday and I didn't think much of it. I thought it was allergies because I hadn't giving him his medicine in a few days. He went to school on Monday and the teacher said he did fine (didn't cough too much). That afternoon I had an after school training. So I met my parents and they took Lance and Lindley and went to pick up Lilly from school. When I talked to Mom on my way home she said that Lance had gotten worse and was having some trouble breathing. He had a baseball game and was adament that he go. Lilly had cheer pictures so my parents were taking him. I told him he could go and cheer on his team, but not play. He ended up batting once and playing the outfield because his teacher came to watch him.
We got home that evening and he was feeling rough and his voice sounded bad, but he was only coughing some. I had planned to take him first thing in the morning to the doctor. I gave him cough medicine, put the humidifier in my room and put him in bed with me. He coughed some but settled down and went to sleep pretty easily. He slept maybe 20 minutes and woke up coughing. I think it scared him and he just kept coughing and couldn't catch him breath. He jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. I thought he was going to get sick. He just said he couldn't breath. I sat him on my bed and tried to get him to focus on me, but he couldn't.
I called my parents and asked them to come down so I could take him to the ER. He got up again and started saying "apples, mommy, apples". I was terrified he was going to pass out so I woke up Lilly, got Lindley out of her crib and headed to the ER. We got there and they immediately took him in a room and got him on oxygen and got a breathing treatment started quickly. He was so brave and let them do whatever they needed. He started improving quickly. They gave him a steroid shot and took x-rays. By this time my parents had came and my mom took the girls home, Dad stayed w/us. Jeff was at work and I was keeping him up to date on his progress.
The doctor came in and explained that his lungs looked good but that it was croup, a virus that causes swelling in his thorax. He said that it usually hits very suddenly like that. He said he sounded much better but they weren't done with him yet. They gave him another breathing treatment and monitored him for a bit longer. They ended up releasing him and said if he had any trouble again that night to bring him back. Luckily the medicine kicked in and he was able to sleep fairly well. He rested most of Tuesday and Wednesday. He had a follow up appointment with his pediatrician on Wednesday and she said he sounded good. He was able to go to school today and seems to be on the mend. He still has a cough, but it is much better. Now, I'm just crossing my fingers the other two don't get it.

This was right before he woke up and couldn't breath.

Feeling somewhat better on Tuesday, but unhappy his outside play is limited to sidewalk chalk.
Hands down the SCARIEST experience of my career as a mother. I honestly thought he was going to pass out. Lilly did SO good and got right up and in the car. She even helped out by getting the diaper bag and handing Lance tissue when he puked in the car. I was so proud of her. Of course Lindley was full of smiles as usual. I now have such empathy for those parents of children with asthma. I can't imagine dealing with that on a regular basis. Very thankful that he is feeling better.

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