Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pumpkin Party

Today was Lance's pumpkin party at school. He had a good time!

Such a handsome boy. After his party we went to chick fila cause I hadn't eaten. He went up like a big boy and got his own refill. When we left he said, "Mommy, why do people always call me precious?" I said, "What do you mean?" He said, "Like the girl at chick fila getting my sprite called me precious." I said, "well probably because they think you are sweet and they are being nice. He said, "I think it's my curls. They like my curls" I was cracking up. We are in trouble with this one!!

Yummy Treats!

Always a ladies man!!
These are the only pictures I had because I was in charge of the party and had Lindley (& no stroller). We did pumpkin bowling (roll pumpkin and knock down the toilet paper ghosts) & bobbing for apples. I think they had a good time!

Happy Halloween!!

We had a nice time going around the neighborhood. The kids of course got tons of candy!

So excited!!

Such a cute cupcake!


Lance's bat symbol kept messing with my flash so I had to edit these. Turned out pretty good. Notice the pumpkin holding the pumpkin!

Happy Halloween!

So big! That is Mason our neighbor (Harry Potter). We went around the neighborhood together.

Trick or treat!

Her first wagon ride and she loved it!!!

Checking out the haul! Not too bad!

He couldn't decide what to eat!

Mammaw & Pappaw dressed up too!! (Lance is covering is symbol so I can get a good pic). He was hot and tired.

Lindley's treat was a new sippy cup!
Got out of that batsuit within minutes and feeling much better!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Proud boy!

Tonight was Lance's last game.
He has to wave to make sure we see him!

Ready position

End of the game


Waiting patiently...

Getting his trophy

He was SO excited! He kept saying I finally got my first trophy!! (notice the mark on his face.....Lilly knocked him down this afternoon)

So handsome!

Go Braves!!

Team pic. Notice Lance on the end sitting like a real player. He was not told to sit that way....I'm telling you, he's a natural!!
So proud of how he well he picked on being part of a team and listened to directions. He did great!
So proud!!

Strong girl!

Lilly's squad did a lift Saturday at her game. This was after the fun run & it was still cold & windy!! She was a base and did a great job!

Strong girl!

Lilly's squad did a lift Saturday at her game. This was after the fun run & it was still cold & windy!! She was a base and did a great job!

Silly girl!

This is Lindleys new face. She does it bigger but I can't catch it!

Straight A's

Lilly's first report card with letter grades. She got all A's!!! If you look close she actually got 100 in in all but two and those are 99!!


Lance got stuck trying to take his shirt off in the truck. Cracks me up!!
It's hard to see but his arm is out the neck of the red shirt. He was trying to take off the blue shirt!

Turkey Trot

Lilly and I ran the Turkey Trot on Saturday. It was a 1 mile fun run. I am training to do a 5k in two weeks and thought it would be a good practice. Lilly enjoys running so it was fun for us to do it together. Turned out to be CRAZY COLD AND WINDY!! We still had fun. She didn't want to run the whole time so we ran/walked it. However, we still finished it in a little over 12 minutes!!

My 5k is November 10th and my brother and I are running one in December too!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Big Girl!!

Lindley was fussing so I went to check on her and guess what I found.....

I pretty sure she was almost asleep and has no idea how she got this way...

Realizing she has something to be proud about

Ok...someone help me!

Aren't I cute??
I'm still not really encouraging the mobility and growing up thing but she seems to be doing it anyway! Needless to say she was pulled out and the bed was lowered!
Silly girl!

Monday, October 22, 2012

First Game Ball!

Lance's coach gives out a game ball to a player that had a good game. Lance has been wanting one and he got one tonight!! So did Lilly's BFF Madison, they were so excited!!
This cracks me up...she is 6, he is 4 1/2 and he is as tall as her!! LOVE THEM!!

So happy!!
(You would never know that I had to wake him from a nap and he was mad and said he wasn't even going to go to the game. I had to dress him all the while he was crying and mad. He eventually said, "Fine, I'll go, but I'm not getting a game ball" Mommy:1, Lance:0)
So proud of you Lance Maksim!!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Preliminary Christmas Lists

We made preliminary Christmas Lists tonight. Just so you know Santa will be bringing a BIG gift for each of them and a couple small gifts. We are REALLY wanting to keep gifts to a minimum. They are at a point where they aren't growing out of what they get which is causing us to accumulate too much. So if you need some ideas here you go!

He wrote this himself (I had to help him with a few letters, but he is doing so good).
Translation: Hauler (The sets at Bass Pro w/a truck and trailer), basketball goal, long gun, stompeez, dreamlite and hot wheels are on the back (he ran out of room).

I didn't realize how bad this picture was. Cow girl gun with a case for the gun, a workout shirt with pink and white, stompeez, dreamlite, trampoline, Barbie house, Jewelry, Ipod case with dots to change and big lego house.
Not too bad for a preliminary list, but I'm sure they will change. 

It's the Great Pumpkin!

Today we went to Bass Pro to enjoy the fall activities. We took Kayla (a friend) with us and had a great time!
So sweet!!

Their masks!!

Yay!! We found everything on the scavenger hunt! We only had to have help with one thing!

She didn't know what to think about the fish! So funny

This is a SCARY thought!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Poland's Syndrome

On Thursday we took Lindley to a pediatric surgeon to have her ribs/chest looked at. We weren't looking to have anything done, we were just ready to have a better understanding of what happened and maybe an idea of what could happen in the future. I am SO happy we did!! We have already learned so much! The surgeon originally told us it was one syndrome and stated that it was purely cosmetic and that her case was mild. He said it was very rare and he couldn't remember the last time he had seen it. He stated he didn't know much about it and would send us additional information. When I received the email later that day it stated that the surgeon had talked with the genetics specialist and he said it sounded more like Poland's Syndrome. They sent us some information regarding it and it sounds/looks just like Lindley! Even the dextrocardia is associated with it. Basically, she has a deformity in her chest wall and pectoral muscle. More than likely she will not even develop a breast (we were prepared for that and are fine with it, that can be fixed as we all know well). At this point that appears to the only issue she will have. We will monitor her and at some point probably have some additional test to see exactly how her ribs and chest are shaped and make sure there is room for everything. We are going to see the genetic doctor to gain a better understanding. However, it's purely for informational purposes. Plus, this VERY rare and I am sure he is interested in seeing her and learning more himself. We are so relieved to have a diagnosis and understanding. We knew she was healthy, but it's good to be able to explain exactly what she has.
I knew she was special, but couldn't really explain it. We are so blessed to have such a rare and wonderful little girl!!

Here are two of the articles they sent us. Keep in mind that the only similairity that all Poland's Syndrome patients have is the deformity of the chest wall. The other symptoms vary, for example her fingers are not webbed. Also, at this point it appears her case is very mild because the dip in her chest is not as severe as others. Of course as we learn more we will share.

Pumpkin Patch Express

Almost two years ago to the day we left Indiana to start our journey to Alabama for a fresh start. It has been a long rode and many things have changed. However, we can look back fondly and recall our first family outing after arriving in Alabama, The Pumpkin Patch Express!!!

October 29th, 2010. The day after driving all day from Indiana. Look at those baby faces!!

October 20, 2012
She LOVED the train ride!

Look at those monkeys!


Finding the perfect pumpkin

Lilly is there...just blends in

We got them...all 5 of them!!

Smoke bubbles!


Cool pirate ship!

Lance did the pumpkin cannon and they added fire balls when you hit the targets in the front. He did it twice! He thought it was awesome!
Bouncy house fun!

I swear she's the happiest baby ever! So laid back. She had a blast!

Our big monsters!!
It was a fun evening. They have added a hay ride, which we didn't do cause it was getting late and cool. We are thinking about going back next week for that!