Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First day of First grade!!

Lilly did not say a lot about going back to school. She seemed excited, but yet reserved. Not nervous, but calm. She was a little upset that her BFF, Madison wasn't in her class. There was a group of 5 that were pretty close and they got all split up. However, she was ready to get back I think.
She totally did the thumbs up herself. What a goober!!

Her new backpack!! She has a matching lunchbox, but it just arrived Monday evening!
I let her look at a website with different hairstyles and we tried a few over the weekend. She is currently in love with buns (again what a goober). So I did some twists on the top and then put the back in a bun!

She made this sign a probably a week of so ago on her own. I wanted to do a sign so when I saw it I thought it would be perfect. She asked if everything was spelled right, but I told her that I wanted it that way to show what she could do at this age.


She said she had a good day and told me quite a bit (which is unusual). She said, "I can't wait to go back"!! Here is hoping for another great year!!

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