Friday, June 22, 2012

New splash pad!

There is a new splash pad closer to us!! Only about 15 minutes away (the other is about 30). A friend told me about it so we met her and her kiddos there (Lance's friend Aiden & his little sister) on Thursday morning. We went early thinking it would be packed in the afternoon. We had a perfect morning!! When we got there only a few other kids were there. They played for a while and then we had a picnic lunch under a shade tree and by the time we finished we were the only ones there!! They got the whole place to themselves for about 20 minutes. It started filling back up after that but we were almost finished anyway!! It is baseball themed and VERY cute!!
The slide was a big hit!!

You could use the water gun to keep it wet!

This is all of them...Ava is on the left, Lilly and Lance at the gun and Aidan in the background.

Miss Lindley was happy as can be laying on the blanket watching the trees. Then when it was nap time I put her in the stroller and walked her around and she was out!

Aidan and Lance waiting on the bucket to dump on them. They were both screaming like little girls!! You can see we were the only ones here at this point.

I think Stephanie got some better pictures. I'll post more if I get them! It was a fun morning!

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