Sunday, April 29, 2012

Lance's first playdate!

On Friday Lilly got invited to go home w/a friend from school. She also went to a friend's house last weekend so needless to say Lance was getting pretty jealous. I finally broke down and let him have a friend over. I brought Aidan home from school on Friday and they played for about an hour and a half here, then we went to the park for about a half hour before we took him home.
Watering the plants....

Washing my car....

Chasing each other!!


Ice cream

This is Lance showing Aidan how to fill the water got out of order

All in all it was a success. It started a little slow, but that didn't last long. Then they started getting bored that's why we headed to the park. However, they both seemed to have fun and were WORN out!!

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