Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Catching up

Jeff was off this weekend so we just did hung out around here. He worked on somethings and the kids PLAYED!! Sunday his Dad, Julie, Johnathan and a friend of his got into town and stopped by on their way to the beach! Then yesterday afternoon we went down and let the kids swim and then went to dinner. I am taking them down tomorrow to spend the night w/them and they are VERY excited!! Jeff went back on nights tonight so that was the only time he is going to see them : (

Today the kids and I just hung out here again. One of the moms from the moms group I go to brought dinner over (they do that for anyone who has a new baby) so I didn't have to mess w/cooking!!

Here's a few pics!!

They begged to sleep in Lance's tent since, "It's spring break mom" They actually didn't do too bad, they slept in there two nights.
look how proud!

He LOVES to kiss her!

I got beans & rice for the kids to play with in the water table. I was so excited to let them play while I had a phone conference this afternoon. I got them all setup...

They started playing..

Having fun...then a few minutes later I checked on them & it was everywhere..... gonna try again tomorrow.

Patty cake!

Having fun w/Lilly

Its blurry but so sweet!

napping in her swing

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