Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Catching up

Jeff was off this weekend so we just did hung out around here. He worked on somethings and the kids PLAYED!! Sunday his Dad, Julie, Johnathan and a friend of his got into town and stopped by on their way to the beach! Then yesterday afternoon we went down and let the kids swim and then went to dinner. I am taking them down tomorrow to spend the night w/them and they are VERY excited!! Jeff went back on nights tonight so that was the only time he is going to see them : (

Today the kids and I just hung out here again. One of the moms from the moms group I go to brought dinner over (they do that for anyone who has a new baby) so I didn't have to mess w/cooking!!

Here's a few pics!!

They begged to sleep in Lance's tent since, "It's spring break mom" They actually didn't do too bad, they slept in there two nights.
look how proud!

He LOVES to kiss her!

I got beans & rice for the kids to play with in the water table. I was so excited to let them play while I had a phone conference this afternoon. I got them all setup...

They started playing..

Having fun...then a few minutes later I checked on them & it was everywhere..... gonna try again tomorrow.

Patty cake!

Having fun w/Lilly

Its blurry but so sweet!

napping in her swing

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What a day!!

We had a very busy day today. Lance had a dentist appt this morning to get his temporary tooth put in. He did great!! Then we headed to the dr. both he and Lindley had checkups. Here's the details....

Lindley 8lbs, 1 oz (passed her birth weight whohoo!!) and 21 inches (grew .5 inch). Foot prick. Looks great doesn't go back till she's one month!

Lance-45 lbs, 41.5" (grew two inches in the past year), had to get fours shots, but is done till he is 11. He looks and sounds great, but she noticed he had some swollen lymph nodes so she wanted to do blood work to check his blood count. She said it was probably just leftovers from a virus or something he had. I should have the results tomorrow. So after the dentist and 4 shots he had to have blood drawn. POOR BOY. He did SO great though. He really is BRAVE!!

Then we had to go pick up Lilly from school. Luckily we got home before the rain!! I am worn out though. I survived my first three days w/out Trish & Jeff at work. Mom came out and helped some and went w/me today, but I managed to take and pick up the kids from school and cooked dinner two nights (didn't manage that tonight). All in all I'd say it was a success!! However, I am VERY glad Jeff is off the next four days!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lance's school party!

Monday we took pizza & cupcakes to Lance's school for his bday.

Pirate cupcakes!


They thought Dillon's (orange shirt on right) icing mustache was hilarious!!

A new police truck from Dillon

A new car from Cayden

colorwonder coloring book from Nora

Claire showing him the card she made him

Hot wheels from Ms.Amy!

Group pic

Silly faces!

He really enjoyed having it at school & it made my life much easier!

Lilly rides on two wheels!

Sunday evening I was resting and Jeff came in and told me to come outside. When I get there I see Lilly riding her bike w/out training wheels!! He said he has raised them enough that she could get the feel for balancing but couldn't fall. Then he took them off and she did great!

So big!!

Lance getting down!

At lunch on Sunday there was a live band and every time we looked over Lance was dancing! Cracked us up. He sure does feel the music!

Lance is 4!!

Happy Birthday Lance!! On Sunday we went to lunch with my parents and Grandma Trisha, then came home for cake and presents.

He played hard at lunch!

Handsome boy!

Make a wish!

a new ball!

"My very own tent"

new helmet

check out that gear!


Look how big!!! How did that happen??

Such a ham!

She was a party animal!

I can't believe my baby (until a week ago) is 4!!! He has grown so much in the past few months and I don't see him slowing down anytime soon. I love his creative and fun personality. He keeps us on our toes and always brings a smile to our faces. I can't wait to see what the next year brings!


Saturday, March 17, 2012

First sponge bath

We gave Lindley her first sponge bath tonight!

Getting started....not so bad

Getting mad...

maybe it's not too bad

Kinda feels nice

nevermind...mad again

again...maybe not so bad

well, this feels nice...

baby massage....nice....

just chilling while I get my massage

this is the life!

Beautiful, clean awake baby girl!!

Lilly's fun run/walk

Lilly came home a while back telling me about a 10k & fun run. She REALLY wanted to do the 10k (they pumped them up about it at school). Anyway, we finally talked her into the fun run which was 2 miles. Her and Jeff walked it, but they finished!! There were several hills and she was tired (they got there early & walked around the art & craft show that is going on, plus she was up late last night), but I think she had fun. It was hard to tell because I don't think it was what she expected and of course new things can intimidate her sometimes. There is a 1-mile one next month & I think she would do better with that. We shall see if she decides to do anymore!

It is hard to see, but right behind the last in the black tank pushing the stroller Jeff is holding Lilly up (she is in black shorts). This is the starting line....it was pretty tight!

Coming up on the finish line (idk what was on my camera)

There they go!

Tired, but proud!

Daddy's girl (he said she held his hand the whole way)!

Graycie's brothers ran it & we ran into them so they were there to cheer Lilly on at the finish line too!!

Overall, I think it was a great experience for her & I hope she continues to want to participate in them!