Tuesday, November 29, 2011


We had a great trip to Indiana & a great Thanksgiving. It was so nice to see everyone & just spend time together with family & friends. I did take my camera, however the card was almost full so I only got a few pictures.
We did Thanksgiving/Christmas w/Grandma Trisha on Thursday!

Grandma w/her grandbabies!!



Lance's gift for Grandma

Lilly's gift for Grandma

Tiff had these shirts made for Black Friday. We ended up shopping all night. Coming home, taking a nap & going back out Friday afternoon! We are crazy, but had fun!!

Saturday was Christmas w/Pappaw & Julie


Lilly & Lance w/Julie

Pappaw, Lilly & Lance

Family photo....notice baby girl is growing everyday!! We go Friday for a dr. appt & get to have another ultrasound! So excited to see her again!

We got in about 6 Sunday night due & I was busy all day yesterday. It hit me today. I got the laundry done but that's about it (Thankfully, I only had a few loads because Trish insisted on doing our laundry while we were there). I napped this morning & chilled the rest of the day. Hopefully I am rested & ready to go again tomorrow!!!

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