Friday, August 19, 2011

First day of kindergarten, part 2 & day 2

When we went to pick Lilly up we got there 30 mins prior to dismissal & still had to wait 30 mins in line to get here. So as she is being walked out she waves, but you can tell she isn't happy. Just as she gets to the car she starts crying. Bless her heart...I felt so bad. The lady put her in & even buckled her. As we pulled away I just held her hand. She had to wait 30 mins. & was just ready to go home. After a snack & resting she perked up & played a bit. Eventually she told me about her day. She said they had their picture taken by a photographer (which she struggled to say & laughed at herself).  She got to eat lunch & lay by Natalie at rest time. I asked about P.E. & library. She told me they did go to P.E. & "At first I was confused because I didn't know what P.E. was but then I liked it".  All in all she said she liked it, but she was pretty exhausted.
This is right before she started crying

Tues. morning I had to wake her up & she wasn't exactly thrilled but got up & got ready. As we were getting close to school I reminded her that I was leaving & that Mammaw would be picking her up. She started to pucker up a little & told herself not to start crying now. I explained to her that it was ok to be sad & if she got upset to talk to Mrs. Pace about it. She calmed down & went into school fine.

Mom went to pick her up Tue. She said the line moved a little quicker but it still took about 15-20 mins. to get her. When mom pulled up Lilly was sitting on the bench with her teacher & had been crying. She said that when they call the students names to come down the teachers holler & it's really loud & scares her. However, the other issue was the fact that she had pink all over her shirt, skirt, even down her leg on her socks & shoes. Her arm & leg were even sticky. Apparently, a little boy spilled his kool-aid & it went right down Lilly's lap. After some probing Mom found out that when they cleaned up the floor & stuff Lilly told them she was fine. She had forgotten that she had a change of clothes. Mom reminded her & she said Lilly said, "Oh, I forgot".

So day 2 ended a little rough as well, but she still likes school.

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