Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dr. appt

I had my dr appt yesterday & everything was good. The heartbeat was in the upper 160's!!!!! She said it sounded strong! We were supposed to have an ultrasound for a screening we decided to do but the tech was out so we had to reschedule for next week. I will update then!!

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Dentist checkup!

Lilly had her checkup today. No cavities!! He said everything looked good! Lance's is Thursday, hope it goes as well!

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lilly's 2nd week of school

Lilly actually had a really good week. She still had moments where she started to cry or got a little nervous, but overall she did great. On Friday when she came out she told me she didn't even start to cry!! I think she is finally adjusting. I told her it was just a matter of learning the routine and getting comfortable with it.

Academically we couldn't be prouder of her. One day in her folder her teacher wrote, "One of the only ones that followed the directions". Then yesterday on her paper where she had to write her name several times it said, "WOW". Plus, in her folder yesterday her teacher wrote, "I frequently use her work as an example of how to follow directions"

We are so proud of her and I hope she continues to set a good example for other students. I really think that as she adjusts she is going to thrive so much. She has such a thirst for knowledge and is like a little sponge. She already learned the life cycle of a frog!!

We are at the library as I type this, but I had to include a photo because on top of being smart and amazing....she's BEAUTIFUL too!!

I survived!!

I survived my 2nd crazy week of work!! I actually trained by myself on Thursday!! I have to admit I was dreading it this past weekend, but it went really well. Now things should settle down and I can work more from home. I should only be working out of the house 2 days a week or so. I still have a lot to learn, but I really like my boss and I think it is going to work out great.

I have a dr. appt. Monday, so be looking for an update....as well as a photo or two....there is def a visible bump appearing.

Lance's first week of school!

Lance had a great first week of school!! He went in everyday & sat down like a big boy. His teacher had only good things to say about him. On the first day she told me he was "obedient & very mature". She uses a stoplight for their behavior. Lance stayed on green ALL WEEK!! He was very excited everyday to tell us that he stayed on green. He also go to get a treat from the treasure chest for his good behavior. I am so proud of what a big boy he is becoming!!
Ready for his first day!

This was Friday. I was trying to get his crayon with his name!

I hope he continues to behave. Although his teacher, Ms. Amy, LOVES him already. He has worked his magic and she tells us everyday how adorable he is. So my thought is when he starts showing his true colors she will be like the rest of us!! He is a smart one!!

Just a side note about Lance. He has turned into a puzzle boy. He does puzzles all the time. He can do a 25 piece puzzle by himself in very little time. He do numerous ones everyday. It is becoming somewhat of an obsession, although I can't complain because he actually sits still for more than 5 minutes. Isn't that strange? With anything else he looses interest pretty quickly but he will do puzzles for an hour or more. I do believe this reinforces how smart he really is.......

Monday, August 22, 2011

Another crazy week!

We had a nice relaxing weekend & did pretty much nothing. I honestly spent most of it on the couch!! I didn't feel well & wasn't eating like I should which made it worse. I am feeling a little better today, but still just blah. If I can get through this week things should get better.

Lance had his first day of school. I will have to post pics. later this week. He did great though!!

Lilly did pretty good today too. She still isn't excited to go, but enjoys it & is slowly getting more comfortable.

I am in Mobile this evening cause I had to meet people for dinner & have an early morning. I have a LONG day tomorrow, but then Wed. & Thurs shouldn't be too bad. Jeff is on Daddy duty until Wed. morning!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

All caught up...

I think Im all caught up on this week. Please keep scrolling down!!

Finally Friday!!!

The kids wanted to stay at Moms Thurs night so I just went there when I got home. It was about 10 when I got there so the kids were already asleep.

Friday morning Lilly was happy to see me, but tired. Lance was still sleeping so Mom said she would just bring him home later. I reminded Lilly it was Friday & she was ok. I went home & took a nap. Mom said Lance was happy & she was doing some cleaning so she said she would just keep him. I just chilled around here & left early to go get Lilly.

I was there around 1:30 & was 3rd in line!! I read the mail, ate a little & just waited. I wanted to be there early so she didn't have to wait. The called her down at 2:40 & we were home before 3. She is worn out!! I think she's adjusting but just had a busy week. I think we are all looking forward to a calm weekend. Jeff has to work tonight & then we can all just hang out!!


I left Tues afternoon & flew to Austin, TX where I met up with two other people (one was my direct boss, the other was the TX project manager). We had dinner & headed to our hotel. I did pretty good on the flight. I made sure to snack & take me meds. I realized that part of my problem was my sinus & allergies so I was taking meds for that as well. Tues evening we did a little planning for Wed & then headed to bed. I did not sleep well at all. I think it was a combo of nerves & excited.

Up early Wed to head to the school. I basically spent the day observing. My boss did the morning session & the other project manager did the afternoon session.(my training basically consists of observing others train so I can see a variety of ways to present the product) I felt pretty good most of the day.

When we finish up Wed. we had to drive to Dallas, which is about a 3 & 1/2 hour drive. This part was pretty rough on me. The roads were pretty bumpy & I just wasn't feeling great. Once we got there & had some dinner I did feel better. However, I did have a breakdown that evening. I was exhausted & missed the kids & Jeff. Plus, I got a little worried about next week (I have to work again). Jeff & I talked & I got calmed down & was able to sleep a little better.

Thurs. morning we were up early again & headed to another school. This day was a little different because the teachers already use the product & this was a day 2 training to help them further their use of it in their classroom. Again I observed & was feeling pretty good.

When my boss booked my flights she booked me on a 5:10 flight in order to get me home at a decent time. This was going to require me to take a cab to the airport because the afternoon session went till 4. I had mentioned to her that my brother was going to try & at least meet me at the airport just so we could visit for a few. When I told her that she said if he wanted he could just pick me up. Then ended up saying I could leave after lunch since the afternoon session was basically a repeat of the morning.

So when I talked to Cam he said that would work great because he has a client in the area I was & would just make a visit there before picking me up!! He picked me up at the school around 12:30 & we got to spend the afternoon together!!! It was great!! We went to eat, then he took me to his apartment & showed me around to place he goes. He drove me through downtown so I could see the "Grassy Knoll" & the building that Lee Harvey Oswald was in when he shot Kennedy. We drove down the exact road...CRAZY. It was so cool!! The highlight though was that I finally got to meet Rugby!!! He is SOOOO sweet. When Cam let him out of his cage he was so excited!! He showed me how he could sit & wait for a treat. We had a GREAT time. It was awesome to spend time with him. Just wish we had longer!!! We even remembered to take some pics.!
Look at his little face!! So precious!!

You can tell I am worn out & dragging, but still a decent pic. of us!!!

All in all it was a great trip. It was exhausting, but I learned a lot & we all survived. Next week will be crazy too, but I will only be going to Mobile & Jeff is off till Wed. night so it should be a little easier. After that things should settle down & it should get MUCH easier!!

School Day 4

Jeff picked Lilly up & took her to school again. She didn't cry, but only because Jeff tried very hard to keep her entertained. Yesterday afternoon Mom went to the school at 1:40 (she doesn't dismiss until 2:45) & was the 10th person in line!! Lilly was happy & surprised that it didn't take as long!! However, she said she did cry a little. When they got home she got upset again & said she didn't feel good. She ended up eating & felt much better.

Lance had to go with Mom to a doc. appt in the morning. Of course he was good & they went to lunch afterwards.

Mom said they were both great the whole time I was gone. They only fought a few times & didn't cause any problems. Wonder why they are always better for others??

Lilly school day 3 & Lance open house

Wednesday morning Jeff picked Lilly up from Moms on his way home from work to take her to school. She again wasn't thrilled, but was doing ok. Jeff said on the way she told him she had to use the bathroom. He stopped & she didn't have to go. Then she told him she didn't feel well & got upset. He was able to calm her down. He told her that it wasn't as hot today & maybe she would get to go outside. When she walked in she gave the principal a high 5 so she was doing a little better.

Lance got to go to his school & meet his teacher Wed. morning. Mom said that he told his teacher his name, but played shy. (She warned the teacher that she would probably never see him that way again!). Mom said he played for a long time & seemed to have a good time. When I talked to him he told me he liked his teacher & room. He said he played & that he would even get to paint!!!

As Mom talked to the teacher & she figured out he was Lilly's brother she said he looked familiar & that he looked just like her!! How stinkin' cute is he??

When Mom picked her up that afternoon she was just worn out but didn't cry. Mom took them to the pier to play for a bit.

First day of kindergarten, part 2 & day 2

When we went to pick Lilly up we got there 30 mins prior to dismissal & still had to wait 30 mins in line to get here. So as she is being walked out she waves, but you can tell she isn't happy. Just as she gets to the car she starts crying. Bless her heart...I felt so bad. The lady put her in & even buckled her. As we pulled away I just held her hand. She had to wait 30 mins. & was just ready to go home. After a snack & resting she perked up & played a bit. Eventually she told me about her day. She said they had their picture taken by a photographer (which she struggled to say & laughed at herself).  She got to eat lunch & lay by Natalie at rest time. I asked about P.E. & library. She told me they did go to P.E. & "At first I was confused because I didn't know what P.E. was but then I liked it".  All in all she said she liked it, but she was pretty exhausted.
This is right before she started crying

Tues. morning I had to wake her up & she wasn't exactly thrilled but got up & got ready. As we were getting close to school I reminded her that I was leaving & that Mammaw would be picking her up. She started to pucker up a little & told herself not to start crying now. I explained to her that it was ok to be sad & if she got upset to talk to Mrs. Pace about it. She calmed down & went into school fine.

Mom went to pick her up Tue. She said the line moved a little quicker but it still took about 15-20 mins. to get her. When mom pulled up Lilly was sitting on the bench with her teacher & had been crying. She said that when they call the students names to come down the teachers holler & it's really loud & scares her. However, the other issue was the fact that she had pink all over her shirt, skirt, even down her leg on her socks & shoes. Her arm & leg were even sticky. Apparently, a little boy spilled his kool-aid & it went right down Lilly's lap. After some probing Mom found out that when they cleaned up the floor & stuff Lilly told them she was fine. She had forgotten that she had a change of clothes. Mom reminded her & she said Lilly said, "Oh, I forgot".

So day 2 ended a little rough as well, but she still likes school.

Monday, August 15, 2011

First day of kindergarten!!

Well, Lilly went right to bed last night. She slept pretty well until.....5:15. She came in & said she was hungry (her belly growled 3 times). She Jeff got up & got her a cheese stick & sent her back to bed. When I went in to wake her at 6:40 she was wide awake!! I asked if she ever went back to sleep & she said she tried but she couldn't. She said her belly was hurting (she thought she was hungry, I think it was nerves). Anyway, she hopped up ate, brushed her teeth, got dressed & we fixed her hair. She was ready to go!!

She was a little nervous, but seemed excited. There were people to help her out of the car & show her where to go. She got out & walked right in!! I can't wait to see how her day goes!!

Cute or what??

A little blocks before we had to leave.

Getting out & heading in!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Meet the teacher & Kangarooz

Friday morning Lilly got to go to her school & meet her teacher, Mrs. Pace. She was excited & seemed to like her room & teacher. Her friend, Natalie, came in & they played for a few minutes so that made her happy. We were able to walk from where she will get out of the car to her classroom so she could see where she has to go. There will be people everywhere helping, but I wanted her to see for herself. She was shy, but she did tell her teacher her name so that's good. She says she isn't nervous so hopefully tomorrow goes well!!

Jeff is off so I wanted to take the kids & do something fun since we haven't done much lately. We decided on Kangarooz. They jumped, bounced, played & wore themselves out!!

Can you tell he is worn out??

We have a busy week. I hope we all survive it. Wish us luck!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lance's story

*For full effect please read with extreme excitement, constant hand motion & barely taking a break to breathe.*

All my family & friends were on the roof. I had a ladder. We have capes & power on our backs. The baby jumped high, high, high up to the sky. We went like psh....psh...psh. I was freaking out. Then I catched her (the baby). All my friends & me turned our things (power) off and she (the baby) fell out of my hands.

This is the story he told me this morning. Only it is very abbrevated. I should have mentioned that you need to repeat each thing like 3 times. I was cracking up. At one point he was standing on the end of the couch showing me how they went up, up, up!! He just went on & on. I love his imagination, but boy it's gonna cause trouble in the future!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This week.

This week has been better. We are making progress & preparing for the next few weeks, which will be CRAZY!! I got to meet Lilly's teacher tonight. Her name is Mrs. Pace. I think Lilly will really like her. I also found out that her friend from the apartment complex is in her class!!! We only knew of two kids that were going to her school for sure & kept praying one of them would end up in her class!! THANK GOODNESS! I think that will help a lot.

She gets to go Friday morning & see her class & meet her teacher. I hope it goes well!! She starts Monday. I leave Tues afternoon for training for my job & won't be back till Thurs evening. Jeff is on nights so mom will have the kids. Lilly is nervous about me being gone, but I'm sure she'll be fine. Lance doesn't start school till the 22nd so we have a break!!

It's gonna be a hectic, exciting few weeks!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

We're ready.....or are we??

Technically speaking once I get Lilly's rest towel out of the dryer we are ready for school. I have to take her supplies on Wed. night for a parents meeting. (It's so much there is no way the kids could carry it all). Regardless, although we have everything ready I'm not so sure Jeff & I are ready. It's hard to believe we she will be 6 in about 7 weeks. She is growing & changing so fast. I feel like we are losing some sort of power or control. She will be with someone else 35+ hours a week, the calendar dicates when we can do things. I know it's a part of life & I loved school so I am super excited for her. Just sad she is growing so fast!!!

*Just to note....she discovered today that Grace (i.e. all kids) don't have to wear uniforms & she was NOT happy. I'm sure she'll be fine once she gets there & see everyone else has on the same thing. Just funny that she realized not all kids have to!!

It's tough being Lance....

This is the result of not getting dessert because he didn't clean his plate....a fit & then he fell asleep. Needless to say it lasted about 30 mins. So just a nice little power nap....guess who is still awake??? Little turd!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

What a week!!

I sure hope every week following a trip home isn't like this one!! Lilly was sick, then Lance. Jeff has felt bad on & off. I am still fighting nausea....GEEZ. We FINALLY had a productive day today. Lance had a fever yesterday & then puked this morning. I decided it was time to get up & clean, no more excuses. It took ALL DAY (& I didn't get bathrooms done). However, I got all rooms cleaned & clean sheets on all beds. Finally unpacked & have been doing laundry ALL DAY!! Tomorrow is Jeff's last day off....he goes back Monday :( it's been so nice having him home (especially this week). I'm not sure I'll survive 4 days w/out him!

Because this is why you check the blog & it's been a while......

He looks so sweet & innocent.....

There's the boy I know!!!

Goofy girl!!

Notice the book on the bed?? It's called "Too Purpley"....she read it to me tonight at bed!! It's very simple & repeats, but still...I can't believe she's reading!!

Here's to a better week!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Yesterday afternoon I met with a company for a second interview. I spent the entire afternoon with them (first lunch, then a meeting). Finally last night about 5:30 I was offered the position!! It is a great opportunity & we are very excited! Although I will admit I am nervous. It's a little overwhelming to re-enter the work force especially with everything else we have going on. However, I think we can handle it.

The company I will be working for is called ExploreLearning. It is an educational software company that sells simulations for math & science called Gizmos. I will be the project manager for Mobile County Schools. Basically that means that it is my responsibility to make sure all teachers are trained to use the Gizmos & help them implement them in their classrooms. It is a part-time job that I will do from home except for when I am actually out in the schools training or following up with teachers.

I have a lot to learn & it's going to be a crazy month or so, but I am super excited for this opportunity!! I will start in about two weeks when I have to go to Texas for a few days for training!!!



We had a great time visiting everyone in Indiana. I packed my camera, but took no pictures! It was a very busy few days, but we managed to spend time with a lot of family & friends. We are so thankful for everyone who took time out to visit us. THANK YOU!!

Lilly started feeling bad on Sunday. I thought she was just exhausted, but ended up running a fever on the way home, through Monday night & part of Tues. She hasn't has meds since 6pm last night & is fever free!! Hopefully it was just a bug & has ran it's course.