Sunday, July 10, 2011


Well, the kids and I tried another church today. I have been pondering it for awhile. I decided to stop thinking and just give it a try. The kids were on the fence. I told them if they would just give it a try and not cry or get upset I would take them to the McDonald's with the treehouse. (They have been BEGGING to go forever). They agreed. So off we went!
We got there & found their classrooms. I got Lance signed in & he took right off. There wasn't even any kids in his class yet, but the teacher asked if he wanted to play blocks and he was sold!!! Then I took Lilly to hers. There was a few kids heading in so I got her signed in & off she went!!
The service was good. They had a band & it was a little more contemporary than I am used to but I enjoyed it. The music was good & was not over used.
After the service I went to get Lance first. When he saw me he just smiled & waved. As he came out I asked the teacher how he did. She said, "He is a very bright little boy". Not sure what she meant, but I guess that's good!! Although who knows what he told her. He is a good story teller!! She then went on to say that he shared and even picked up toys without being asked. Now believe you me.....I about passed out!! WHAT?!? My son??? Regardless, I was VERY proud of him. There were only 2 other kids (1 boy & 1 girl). He said that the boy was Ethan, but couldn't remember the grills (girls) name!!
Next was Lilly. She was sitting at the table coloring & was happy to see us. I asked her teacher how she did. She said she did great. I asked if she talked & she said not much.
As we walked out & got in the car we discussed what they learned about & they were both excited to tell me. (Daniel & the Lions Den) They said they enjoyed it & want to go back!! I think we will go back for sure.
Of course, we had to drive 20 minutes to the treehouse Mickey D's, but they deserved it!!! They had a blast playing even though it was HOT!!!
We got home & went for a swim and then spent the rest of the evening chilling!! Jeff is off for 4 days....then it's back to nights :(

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